Harbormaster, HHS girls soccer team recognized - Hingham Anchor

Harbormaster, HHS girls soccer team recognized

The 2022 Hingham High School Girls Soccer team celebrates their State Championship!

December 14, 2022 By Carol Britton Meyer

Amid budget presentations and other business at Tuesday's meeting, the Select Board recognized Hingham Harbormaster Kenneth Corson for significant contributions in support of Coast Guard missions from Jan. 2015 to Dec. 2021 and the Hingham Girls Soccer team, which captured the Division 1 State Championship this year.

The Select Board welcomed the soccer team and coaches and presented them with a certificate of recognition for their significant win and also for their 19-0-4 season record, which Chair William Ramsey called "spectacular," and winning the championship, "an amazing achievement."

This experience is something they will remember for the rest of their lives -- "the season and this team," Ramsey said. "I was fortunate to be able to go to the championship game, and the way you all played was amazing."

Select Board member Liz Klein commended team members for being "tremendous role models for the community."

A certificate of recognition for the entire team and coaches was read, congratulating them on their win and for putting forth "a true team effort."

Corson -- the recipient of a Coast Guard Meritorious Public Service Award -- was also present while Ronald Catudal, a retired USCG captain, read a commendation praising his efforts.

This is the second highest medal the USCG can bestow upon a civilian.

Two other members of the Coast Guard were also present. The commendation was read on behalf of the Commandant of the United States Coast Guard, honoring Corson for "commendable public service and significant contributions in support of Coast Guard missions from Jan. 2015 to Dec. 2021."

According to the commendation, Corson "significantly enhanced the overall security of the Port of Boston" while serving as chair of the Boston Area Maritime Security Committee Maritime Domain Awareness working group.

While serving in this capacity -- and as the representative for the Massachusetts Harbormasters Association -- Corson successfully spearheaded a $1 million Port Security Grant application to procure and install surveillance cameras across Massachusetts harbors that house critical maritime infrastructure, allowing real-time video monitoring and the providing of live and shareable video to law enforcement, emergency responders, and command centers.

Throughout the process, Corson worked closely with the contractor to coordinate the required environmental permitting and compliance efforts with state and federal procurement rules.

"This momentous task involved the dedication of countless hours far beyond his normal harbormaster responsibilities," the commendation further states.
As a result of Corson's "extraordinary efforts," the Massachusetts State Police have taken ownership of the camera system, ensuring its long-term viability and benefit to Massachusetts citizens.

The United States Coast Guard commends Corson's actions, which are in keeping with the "highest traditions of public service."

Ramsey thanked Corson for his service to the town as harbormaster. "We're fortunate to have you doing what you do, with your knowledge of the harbor and dedication to the job."

Select Board member Joseph Fisher said his message to the Coast Guard is that the Town of Hingham "is proud of our harbormaster,  and we aren't surprised that he received this award."

Klein praised Corson for "going above and beyond with your dedication and professionalism."

Corson said he is "truly honored" to be recognized with this award, and that the endeavor was exciting and challenging. "I look forward to seeing [how] this system [works] in the future -- from a distance -- as the technology continues to develop. What's great about Port Boston is that the partners all work together as a team."

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