HHS Class of 2019: “Members of one big team”


May 28, 2019 By Carol Britton Meyer; Original Photo from The Harborlight by Annemarie Fennelly  

The Hingham High School Class of 2019 graduation is just around the corner, and the 279 members of the graduating class, parents, teachers, and administrators are hoping for sunny weather.

The ceremony is planned for Saturday, June 1, on the turf field, weather permitting. Otherwise, it will be held indoors in the gym.

There are two big changes this year. For one, the ceremony will take place at 10 a.m. instead of the usual 5 p.m. on the first Saturday after Memorial Day to avoid conflicts with the girls' and boys' track teams state championship meets.

"The HHS graduation ceremony would be diminished if even one member of the Class of 2019 could not participate," Principal Rick Swanson wrote in a letter to the HHS community about the time change. "The prospect of many empty seats among the graduates (more than 20) is not a scenario that we should find acceptable. I apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause, but I firmly believe that the decision aligns with our values as a community."

The second change is that rather than the traditional white gowns for female students and red for male students, all members of the graduating class will wear red gowns. This decision was made earlier this year to promote inclusiveness and is in line with Massachusetts Department of Education directives that in part strongly discourage gender-based graduation robe colors, among other considerations. The goal is to help schools establish a supportive environment for LGBTQ students.

This change also resulted from student and faculty concerns regarding gender-related issues. Students had a say in the final decision. Some students and parents were not happy with the change while others embraced it.

Class President Billy Johnston

Class President Billy Johnston had this to say: "The Massachusetts DOE annually reminds schools of the various minority groups that must be protected. Fortunately, this year transgender students were on the list. One way to protect and respect their courage was changing to one color for graduation gowns. With this, Supt. of Schools Dorothy Galo, our principal Mr. Swanson, myself, and others involved in this decision knew the way a person feels far outweighs the way they look."

'Thanks' to parents

In a letter to parents of seniors, Billy expressed appreciation for their support and for serving as role models "to not only your own children, but also to every single member of our class."

The other class officers are Nicole Croteau (Secretary), James Winikoff (Treasurer), and Peyton Belsher (Vice President).

Nicole Croteau (Secretary)
Peyton Belsher (Vice President)
James Winikoff (Treasurer)

"The most inspiring thing about our class is our togetherness in spite of all of our individual differences. Really, I am so thankful just to be able to call myself a part of this group of kids," Billy said. "Today, especially, when you turn on the news or check social media and people are just at each other's throats, the country could take a lesson from the Class of 2019's camaraderie and remind themselves that we really are members of one big team before anything else."

While the senior class had "some great financial successes, this dedication to each other is what I, and I know everyone else, is most proud of with our class," Billy said. "We have been fortunate enough to raise enough money for prom tickets to be free this year -- for the first time in school history -- and to hold it at Granite Links. But, honestly, nothing compares to the class's daily togetherness."

Principal praises class

Swanson shared his thoughts about the soon-to-be-graduates: "Our athletes, competing before large and spirited home crowds, recorded a number of league championships; our musicians and performers delivered an unforgettable Fall Musical in addition to several excellent concerts; our Quiz Bowl team qualified for an unprecedented tenth-consecutive appearance on television; and early acceptances to college rolled in. On top of all this, the boys’ basketball team defeated Scituate, one of our biggest rivals, on the hallowed parquet at TD Garden! What an amazing accomplishment in their final year at Hingham High School, and for me, what an exciting second year as their principal!"

Swanson acknowledged the Class of 2019's "well-deserved reputation for unity, spirit, hard work, class, sportsmanship, service, and concern for others.

"You have made big contributions to our school. This entire community (not just your friends, classmates and parents, but your whole school, including your principal) is proud of you, and we’re all eager to support you as you move forward," Swanson said. "My best wishes to the entire graduating class, and I hope you’ll keep on returning to Hingham High School for many years to come!"


The Class of 2019 will have many memories of shared special events and activities during their time together from freshman through senior year -- the junior and senior proms, awards nights, and the Seniors' Last Day celebration at Hingham Rec featuring a cookout, many sports activities, a talk by motivational speaker Norm Bossio, and other memorable times.

All seniors are invited to attend the traditional alcohol-free graduation party at the high school on graduation night, from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. the following morning. The theme remains a secret until the graduates arrive. This is a special occasion since it is the last time for all the students to be together in one place at the same time.

Congratulations to the entire graduating class!

For more graduation details, visit hinghamschools.com to access the high school link for information about the ceremony, seating, entrances to the multi-purpose field, and other information.




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