Hingham Alight with Goodwill and Interfaith Celebration. - Hingham Anchor

Hingham Alight with Goodwill and Interfaith Celebration.

January 8, 2024 Submitted by Michael Tesler, Photos by Josh Ross

On December 30th, the 6th night of Chanukah/Hanukkah* 2025/5785**, the 3rd annual lighting of the Menorah candles took place in the heart of downtown Hingham at the Hingham Community Center, 70 South Street.

Rabbi Eric Berk and Cantor Steven Weiss led a beautiful ceremony of prayer and singing sponsored by the Hingham Human Rights Commission in collaboration with the Hingham Unity Council, Congregation Sha’aray Shalom, the Hingham Community Center and the Hingham Downtown Association.

The Rabbi explained that Chanukah is known as the Festival of Lights and that the candles hold special significance and are a time-honored tradition that symbolizes hope, unity and the triumph of light over darkness.  The event took place on a clear and vibrant evening in our Holiday decorated town center.  People shared memories, hot chocolate and donuts while interacting with temple members, town officials,  police officers, people passing by, and local business owners and residents.  The event embodied the spirit of togetherness and inclusivity that makes Hingham special and welcoming to people of all backgrounds.

Chanukah is a celebration of Jewish pride, determination, and perseverance.   It commemorates a rebellion, a miracle involving the lighting of the temple, and a victory against overwhelming odds.   The messages and meanings resonate with all and showcase the value of sharing our thoughts and beliefs with each other, something that Hingham is very good at.

*Ch – Traditional spelling and pronunciation.  H- Present day reform Jewish spelling and Pronunciation.  **5785 –  The Jewish calendar is based on the Anno Mundi (AM) system, which calculates the number of years since the creation of the world as described in the Bible.

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