Hingham Civic Music Theatre has had to postpone the “Divas with a Twist”

October 13, 2023 By Roy Harris

Hingham Civic Music Theatre has had to postpone the “Divas with a Twist” program, originally scheduled for Oct. 21. The new date will be selected later this year to support HCMT’s 75th anniversary with a fundraiser connected to the “Divas” performance.
The program was to have been in Sanborn Auditorium of Hingham Town Hall at 210 Central St. Tickets still are available for the postponed performance, at $25 each, through the website https://hcmttickets.ludus.com. Donations honor HCMT’s three quarters of a century, and are especially needed now to meet a vital need for new light and sound equipment for future shows.
Donations may be made via Venmo. (Supporters should put “2023 Fundraising” in the comment field offered by Venmo.) Donations to HCMT by check also may be mailed in, addressed to Hingham Civic Music Theatre, PO Box 286, Accord, Mass, 02018.

Rehearsals remain under way for the final HCMT musical of the year, “Aladdin Jr.,” which features 30 young actors between six and 13 years old. It is slated to open at Sanborn for performancess Dec. 1, 2 and 3. More information on that production is available at http://www.hcmt.org/home.html.

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