April 18, 2022 Submitted by Hingham Public Library
Classical Guitar Concert: Sunday, April 24, 3 p.m., Whiton Room -- The Boston Classical Guitar Society presents well-known soloist and collaborative chamber music guitarist Dave McLellan in the first live concert at the library for some time. McLellan has been performing in the United States, South America, Great Britain, and Europe since 1976 and has appeared at major concert venues, including Carnegie Hall, Merkin Hall, and Wigmore Hall in London.
He earlier served on the faculties of The Hartt School and the University of Connecticut, where he performed regularly with Edward Flower. McClellan is currently on the faculty of the Performing Arts Center -- Metrowest in Framingham and in the Town of Harvard Artist in Residence program.
This season's concert series is presented by Hingham Public Library and the BostonClassical Guitar Society with the support of Coastal Heritage Bank.
Microsoft Office Alternatives: Thursday, April 28, 2 p.m., Whiton Room -- When buying a computer, one question that inevitably pops up is how to create word documents and spreadsheets.
While many computer users instinctively turn to Microsoft Office without considering other less-expensive options, this presentation will share a few free alternatives that are compatible with both PC and Mac that can replace MS Office, allowing people to get back to work without spending more money than necessary. Space is limited, so sign up early.
HPL Book Group: Tuesday, April 26, 7 p.m., Whiton Room. This book club is a friendly group of library patrons and bibliophiles who have been meeting for more than 10 years. This month's gathering features "The Splendid and the Vile," by Erik Larson. The group averages between 15 to 20 members for each meeting and is always happy to see new faces -- whether avid readers who desire to meet regularly or others who prefer to participate when a chosen title piques their interest. Copies of this month's book are available for pickup at the Reference Desk.
For more information about these and other library programs and activities visit hinghamlibrary.org.