Hingham Library Upcoming Events – Week of APRIL 11, 2019 - Hingham Anchor

Hingham Library Upcoming Events – Week of APRIL 11, 2019

Photo courtesy of Hingham Public Library.

Guitar concert; family vacation fun


Afternoon with the Author: Saturday, April 20, 2 p.m. Eamon Earls will talk about the Geologic History of Hingham, answering questions such as: Why do the rocks beneath Hingham have more in common with Africa than North America? What happened to mountains taller than the Himalayas right next door? What did early humans find when they arrived in town? Discover the answers to these questions and more in the fascinating two billion-year story of how Hingham came to be.

Evening with the Author: Tuesday, April 23, 6 p.m. Deb Nelson's book, "Finding Health After Cancer: Stories of Renewal and Healing," shares stories of individuals who found their path to health following a cancer diagnosis. Those featured in this book found a way to steer clear of a downward spiral when they were handed a cancer diagnosis. They looked at their options, decided which treatment suited their particular situation, and forged ahead. They also became advocates for themselves and other cancer patients. Don't miss this inspirational Evening with the Author.


Hot Club de Boston: Sunday, April 14, 3 p.m. Hot Club de Boston will perform Gypsy Jazz Styles, drawing inspiration from a wide variety of musical influences that include Classical, Bebop and Popular Music as part of the Boston Classical Guitar Society Concerts Series. You'll enjoy hearing this trio of musicians -- Steve Marchena on guitar, Violinist Adam McOwen, and Joe Papandrea on accordion. The library and the BCGS host these concerts with support from Coastal Heritage Bank.


Tuesday, April 16

* Touch-A-Truck: 10 a.m. to noon.  This fun family event for all ages will feature Hingham DPW and Hingham Light Plant trucks, parked along the side of the library near the Children's entrance.

Spring in My Backyard Storytime & Craft:  1:30 pm. for ages 6 to 10, Activity Room. This hands-on storytime will include books about birds, a variety of touchable bird-related objects (nests, worms, feathers, and more), followed by painting a birdhouse.

Wednesday, April 17

* Lego event: 1 p.m. for ages 5 and over, Activity Room. This month's Lego event, Imagination Station: Lego Challenge, Build a Marble Run!, is to build a marble run with the library's collection of Legos. Experiment with ramps, jumps, turns, and towers or just come for the fun and design your own project with a friend or on your own. All designs remain in the the library and will be displayed in the Children's Department.

*Suzuki Demonstration Class with the South Shore Conservatory: 4 p.m. for ages 4 to 6, Whiton Room. This demo class will feature student performances along with a lesson demonstration with Suzuki Guitar students.  Participants will interact with group class activities centered around the guitar and have an opportunity to hold and play a guitar. Register online or by calling (781) 741-1405, ext. 1403.

Thursday, April 18

* Family Bingo: 6:30 p.m. All ages, Activity Room. You're invited to join in this fun family favorite, where everyone wins a prize.


Nature, Art and Discovery Program for ages 3 to 5: Wednesday, April 24, 1 p.m. During this Baby Birds and Their Nests program, participants will observe many different types of real birds' nests from the Audubon collection and feel and learn about the natural materials birds use to make them. After listening to a story about a mother robin caring for her nest and observing the real nests, each child-caregiver pair will then make their own nest out of natural material and use air-dried clay to sculpt and then paint several eggs and one parent bird to place in their nest. This program is made possible by the Mass Audubon's Museum of American Bird Art and is funded by the Hingham Cultural Council and the Mass Cultural Council. Register online or by calling (781) 741-1405, ext. 1403.

Visit the Library’s website at hinghamlibrary.org for even more vacation week events!



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