Hingham Middle School/High School hold walkouts in support of LGBTQ+ Rights

Photos by Josh Ross

March 15, 2022 By Carol Britton Meyer

Hingham Middle and High School students participated in walkouts Friday afternoon promoted by the Gender Sexuality, & Allies groups -- formerly the Gay-Straight Alliance -- to stand against the passage of recent LGBTQ+ legislation in Texas and Florida.

Hingham Pride Project member Michelle Larned told the Hingham Anchor that while HPP was not part of the walkout, "I fully support it," and she planned to attend. The 20-minute walkouts took place around 1 p.m.

Larned explained that the word got out through social media, and that this kind of event is happening around the country to oppose recent legislation in both Texas and Florida "that is discriminatory toward people in the LGBTQ+ community and harmful. This legislation regulates what teachers can say around gender, sexuality, and the LGBTQ+ community, and what it says to LGBTQ+ children is that there's something wrong with their being part of that community.

"We need people to stand up against this legislation. I'm concerned that similar legislation will [also be adopted] by other states," she said.

The suicide rate among LGBTQ+ youth is significantly higher than among the general youth population, according to Larned, "and this kind of legislation will further stigmatize LGBTQ+ students, students with LGBTQ+ parents, and other members of this community."

Another concern, Larned said, is that a recent Facebook post about plans for an HPP prom "got more hate comments against the LGBTQ+ community in general than any other of our posts during the entire three years our organization has existed."

Those comments are exactly why there's a need to take a stand, according to Larned. "HPP pushes love, kindness, and respect, but it's hard [not to react to such comments]. A lot of LGBTQ+ people don't feel safe. This made me realize that despite the good things HPP is doing in the community, a lot of people aren't supportive of the LGBTQ+ community and don't feel they should have the same rights."

3 thoughts on “Hingham Middle School/High School hold walkouts in support of LGBTQ+ Rights”

  1. I am so pleased and proud of the students that participated and for Michelle Larned, with HPP, that supports these students and the LGBTQ+ community. All youth should have the rights, safety, and comfort to be themselves.

  2. Here is the actual bill in Florida the students protested against. Please explain to me why it is wrong to limit talks to little children under the age of 8 on ANY type of sexual affair. Let kids be kids and not be burdened with talk about sex or sexual orientation at that age by teachers or any other school administration. If you walked out or supported this walk out I really hope you took the time to read through the actual bill you protested against.

    Florida Bill

    CS/CS/HB 1557: Parental Rights in Education

    Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in KINDERGARTEN through GRADE 3 or in a manner that is note AGE-APPROPRIATE or developmentally appropriate for students according to state standards.


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