Hingham middle-schooler reaches out with 'love letters' during this time of isolation - Hingham Anchor

Hingham middle-schooler reaches out with ‘love letters’ during this time of isolation

April 17, 2020 by Carol Britton Meyer

Hingham middle-schooler Max Bohane, 12, is sending handwritten 'love letters' to help others feel cared for and less isolated during these uncertain times.

"I knew there are many people who may need a little 'extra love' right now because they feel lonely, isolated, or frustrated by social distancing," Max said. He also realized that first responders, healthcare workers, grocery store clerks, delivery personnel, and many others would appreciate being thought of during this challenging time.

"They go to work each day to protect us and to keep us fed and safe so that we can stay home and be healthy," Max said. "Some people are lonely during this time of quarantine and need to know that someone is thinking of them and that they are loved."

As a creative way to reach out to others, Max is encouraging those who know someone in need of a little love to send their name and address to him at maxbohane@icloud.com. Max then writes a note and mails it free of charge in the hopes of cheering them up and bringing a smile to their face.

So far he has written 20 notes on custom-drawn "LOVE" design note cards that are professionally printed on card stock, with many more to be sent. "The idea is to let others know this situation is only temporary and that we will all be together again soon, celebrating and enjoying life," Max said.

'Stay safe, stay well'

Each message is customized for the recipient, usually mentioning who referred them to him and thanking them for their service (if applicable) and then writes a little message of hope and love. Max closes each note with the same signature line: “Stay safe, stay well . . .and know that you are loved.”

He started out donating all the materials (printed cards, envelopes, and stamps) using his pocket money. Since then some people reached out to him to purchase his "LOVE" cards for their own use, donating money exceeding the cost of the cards to help reduce his costs.

Max has already shared his project on the FLAG Boston (Front Line Appreciation Group) Facebook page. Because his neighbor was a founding member, Max reached out to her to see how he could be involved, possibly by writing thank-you notes to the frontline workers who were benefiting from the food provided by this organization's fundraising efforts.

While the neighbor liked his idea and wanted Max to be involved, the sheer volume of cards he would have to write would be too much. So he took her suggestion to write notes to those who needed a little "pick me up."

Max's intention was for his notes to spread love and hope throughout the community to anyone who needed it, and by posting on social media he has been able to reach out to people from many communities from coast to coast -- including the Hingham Police Department to express appreciation for their bravery -- to spread a little love in this time of self distancing.

Remaining positive

To help him remain positive during this time, Max tries to stay on some sort of a schedule each day by completing his school work, getting outside to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air with his brothers, and by creating new artwork for his 2021 calendar.

Max also has an artwork business, Art Work by Max, featuring calendars and note cards with drawings and paintings he created, both of Hingham and animals.
He was inspired by a family friend who passed away from cancer, and so he donates a portion of his proceeds to cancer research and other charities.

Max sells his cards at Acquire Good, Puopolo Candies, The Cracker Barrel, The Paper Store, and Whole Foods. He has also done numerous commissioned paintings for people (mostly of their pets), and has created custom note cards for various organizations in Massachusetts. He continues to sell his work at art shows and holiday fairs.

During his "spare time," Max has been busy painting and drawing, which he finds to be therapeutic.

Message of hope

His advice to those struggling at this time: "Just remember this is only temporary, that no one is going through this alone (even though some people are literally physically alone)," he said.  "We are ALL in this together, and it will end! Use this time to always find a reason to make someone smile and to let them know that they are appreciated and loved . . .  because really, all we have is each other."

Max's mother, Marie, is proud of her son. "He is always so sensitive to others' feelings, and he really does see the best in people," she said. "He is using his artwork to cross boundaries and reach out to people he has never met. They have been so warm and receptive of him, his art, and his mission to donate money to charity through Art Work by Max. We cannot thank the community enough for their support!"

For more information about both projects, visit https://sites.google.com/view/art-work-by-max.

1 thought on “Hingham middle-schooler reaches out with ‘love letters’ during this time of isolation”

  1. Max is an amazing young man! I had the pleasure of meeting him at Glastonbury Abbey where he had a booth to sell his cards and calendars! He is the most kind, caring and compassionate young man raising funds through his sales for wonderful causes. He is a true young hero!
    Great work, Max!


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