Hingham Public All School PTO Launches “The Apple Project”

Ryder, Avery and Emily Cormier support the Apple Project (photo by Joshua Ross)
Ryder, Avery and Emily Cormier support the Apple Project (photo by Joshua Ross)
August 31, 2020 submitted by Hingham Public Schools All Town PTO (photo by Joshua Ross)

As we prepare to begin an unprecedented school year, the Hingham All Town PTO invites you to rally behind the Hingham Public Schools (HPS) educators, administrators, staff, and students with The Apple Project

This spring Hingham residents displayed hearts on their front doors and windows to show their support and gratitude to front line workers. In that same spirit of appreciation for our public schools, we ask you to display apples for the month of September.

The All Town PTO has partnered with Rustic Marlin, who designed two sign styles especially for our community.  Funds raised from the sale of these signs will be divided equally among the PTOs of the four elementary schools, the middle school, and high school to support teachers and students in this new world of learning.

All signs are $20 (cash or check, made payable to Hingham High School PTO) and will be available at a self-serve pop-up kiosk at Hingham High School starting on August 31  through September 6.  After September 6 a new kiosk location may be announced.

The Apple Project is the first of several community-building efforts the All Town PTO is organizing to show support for HPS and help our families feel united together as we begin the 2020-2021 school year.

Please show your support and hang an apple for the month of September!

If you have any question, feel free to reach out to the PTO representative from your respective school below:

Hingham High School: therosses@mac.com     Hingham Middle School: Ecrouchlaw@aol.com

South: faith_peak@yahoo.com                           PRS: reneebesser@gmail.com

Foster: alliechristopher@gmail.com                   East: hingham.eastschool@gmail.com 

Thank you to Rustic Marlin for their generosity and support.

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