Hingham Recognized As Banner School by Special Olympics

Members of Hingham's Unified basketball team unveiled the banner recognizing Hingham High as a Champion School by Special Olympics.
Members of Hingham's Unified basketball team unveiled the banner recognizing Hingham High as a Champion School by Special Olympics.

October 24, 2022 - Story and photos by Joshua Ross

This past Friday, in front of a packed gym and before the halftime dance party, Hingham's Unified basketball team unveiled the newest banner in hanging from the walls of HHS - Special Olympic's National Certified Champion School banner.

Six years ago, an idea by two students Ellie Holler and Ashton Burbank, made unified sports a reality at Hingham High.  With support and partnership with the South Shore SNAP, Hingham High particles in both Unified Basketball and Unified Track.

The addition of these sports to Hingham High Athletics reinforces the schools philosophy of inclusion and acceptance and has shown what community can really mean in a school setting.

In his pre-game speech, Athletic Director Jim Quatromoni thanked community, the partners, families and students who made it possible to be nationally recognized for their work in this area.

The Red Army showed up in full force for the game between Hingham and Weymouth on Friday.

"To our athletes," Quatromoni addressed the audience. "I think I speak for everyone when I say thank you for being the soul of our athletic department.  Thank you for the joy that you bring us all as you enthusiastically enjoy sports together. Truly we are better together."

It also very clear speaking with Principal Rick Swanson that he cherishes this recognition as much, if not more, than the multitude of awards the school has received over the years.

"We have lots of banners in the gym at Hingham High School, but none of them matters more than the one we just hung on Friday afternoon," Swanson tells the Anchor.  "Special Olympics grants National Banner recognition to schools that build a 'socially inclusive school climate that emphasizes acceptance, respect and human dignity for all students.'  HHS not only believes in those values, but we act on those values, and our newest banner provides a visual reminder of what matters most to us. We're working to build a genuine community, and, although that work is never finished, the banner provides tangible evidence of how far we've come."

Lots of smiles and high-fives after made shots.

The joy not only comes from the athletes participating and the fellow classmates cheering them on, it's hard not to find a parent smiling from ear to ear during games or track meets.

"We are thankful for the opportunity for our son, Jack, to participate in Unified Sports at Hingham High School," says Deb Carleton, parent of four current and former HHS students. "The ability to participate on a high school athletic team and share in the experience of team camaraderie, school spirit and friendships with his teammates is an incredible gift. The support and encouragement of his fellow Unified Sports athletes is heartwarming and so very special. The connection and support between the student athletes extends beyond the court and field into their high school community. We are thankful for the tremendous support of Unified Sports from Hingham High School and Athletic Department, the dedicated Unified Sports coaches and most importantly, the incredible student athletes of Unified Sports for making the experience of being on the Unified Sports teams so fun and rewarding."

Anyone who has not attended a unified basketball or track meet is truly missing out on what high school athletics is, and should be about - very competitive, extremely supportive, and way more fun than any other event you'll attend.  Basketball is finalizing a few more home games this season and track will start in the spring.

A little post game celebration after a hard fought contest.


Pregame, game and celebration photos

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