Hingham town administrator presents COVID-19 vaccine rollout plan - Hingham Anchor

Hingham town administrator presents COVID-19 vaccine rollout plan

Photo credit: Hakan Nural/Unsplash

January 13, 2020 by Carol Britton Meyer

After reporting that the number of Hingham COVID-19 cases continues to rise -- moving Hingham back into the high-risk "red" zone last week -- Town Administrator Tom Mayo explained the town's vaccine rollout plan based on the state's three-phase program that corresponds with Center for Disease Control recommendations.

"As of last Friday, there were 1,005 total cases in Hingham (compared with 622 total cases one month ago)," Mayo said. "That is a big increase."

Phase 1 will run from about December 2020 to February 2021 and will cover the following people, listed in order of priority:

* Clinical and non-clinical healthcare workers doing direct and COVID-facing care
* Residents of long-term and assisted living facilities and rest homes
* Police, fire and emergency medical services personnel, already underway this week
* Those living in congregate care settings, including corrections facilities and shelters
* Home-based healthcare workers
* Healthcare workers doing non-COVID-facing care.

The state has been working directly with hospitals and other healthcare facilities to vaccinate clinical and non-clinical healthcare workers doing direct and COVID-facing care. "Many of those people just received their second vaccine dose," Mayo said.

Those living in long-term care facilities, rest homes, and assisted living facilities are being vaccinated as part of the Federal Pharmacy Partnership Program.

"Staff from the town’s Vaccine Planning Group are in touch with these facilities in Hingham on a weekly basis," Mayo said.

So far, Linden Ponds has held two vaccination clinics to cover 530 residents, with another clinic scheduled for this week; Queen Anne’s Nursing Home has vaccinated 68 of its 100 residents; and Harbor House Nursing Home is administering vaccinations to its residents.

The Town of Hingham partnered with Cohasset, Hull, Norwell, and Scituate to secure vaccines from the state for their police, fire, and emergency medical services personnel.

"Our Vaccine Planning Group is coordinating clinics to have Hingham paramedics vaccinate our public safety employees," Mayo said. "As of today (Jan. 12) we have vaccinated 90 public safety employees and have another 60 individuals scheduled to get vaccinated later this week."

The planning group is also coordinating logistics for the town "so that we’re prepared to do our part. We are doing everything we can given the information and supplies from the state," Mayo stated.

The state will publish more information today about vaccination of people in congregate care settings — and continues to plan for additional groups and Phases 2 and 3 later in the rollout plan.

1 thought on “Hingham town administrator presents COVID-19 vaccine rollout plan”

  1. Excellent! Hoping that the Dental Health Professionals who live & work in Hingham we be getting vaccinated soon at HFD 🙂


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