Hingham’s Carey receives Mass. Bar Association’s Volunteer Recognition Award - Hingham Anchor

Hingham’s Carey receives Mass. Bar Association’s Volunteer Recognition Award

Hingham resident Thomas J. Carey Jr. (center) receives the Massachusetts Bar Association’s Volunteer Recognition Award from MBA President-elect Damian J. Turco (left) and MBA President Grace V.B. Garcia (right).

June 27, 2023 Submitted by Cameron Woodcock

Hingham resident Thomas J. Carey Jr., a professor at Boston College Law School and an attorney with Hogan Lovells LLP in Boston, received the Massachusetts Bar Association’s (MBA) Volunteer Recognition Award during a ceremony on June 21.

Carey was honored for his decades of service to the MBA, including as the longtime chair of the Amicus Brief Committee, where he leads the preparation of amicus filings in cases involving issues of concern to the legal profession and the public. He is also the founding chair and a longtime member of the MBA’s Appellate Bench-Bar Committee, and he has served for nearly 20 years as an associate editor and a frequent author on the Massachusetts Law Review Editorial Board.

MBA President Grace V.B. Garcia described Carey as “a giant in the legal community” whose leadership on the Amicus Brief Committee has been “a driving force behind the MBA’s mantra as the preeminent voice of the legal profession.”

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