May 11, 2020 submitted by SCPO Keith Jermyn, USN, Director of Veterans Services (Photo above courtesy of Hingham Veterans Services)
The Town of Hingham Department of Veterans’ Services is proud to announce that the Annual Memorial Day Observance will be held Monday, May 25th 2020. Unfortunately, we will NOT be gathering as usual at the Hingham Town Hall, but will be tuning into our local community television channels in order to see this production. Viewing will be possible by tuning into either of these cable providers: Comcast 97, 22, 9 and Verizon 2131, 29, 30.
The staff at Harbor Media has graciously agreed to produce this community event, one that the Veterans and citizens of Hingham have grown accustomed to expect. Our Moderator, Michael Puzo will begin the ceremony promptly at 11:00 a.m. The performances will be a mix of pre-recorded segments, and file-footage.
We will once again be treated to the music of the Hingham High School Band under the direction of Brian Cincotta, and hear the Bugle Calls. Student-Athlete Nick Capodilupo will sing his rendition of our National Anthem. Flag raising, wreath laying and rifle firing will not be sacrificed.
The Principal Speaker will be Hingham resident:
Chief Warrant Officer, John “Jack” Chapin, US Navy, (Ret.)
Chief Warrant Officer Chapin is a U.S. Navy SEAL with over 30 years combined service in both the Active and Reserve Components. He is a combat veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom, serving multiple tours of duty in South West Asia 2005-2010. CWO Chapin officially retired from Naval service in 2014, and is currently employed as a Detective with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Environmental Police. A 1983 graduate of Hingham High School, he resides in Hingham with wife Mary, and two daughters: (Erika & Samantha), students at Hingham High School.
Town Clerk Eileen McCracken will read the Annual Honor Roll, reciting the names of those Hingham Veterans who have passed away since Memorial Day 2019 until April 15th of this year.
During the stress of these uncertain times, one thing in the Town of Hingham is certain…
We will as always take time out to pause, reflect, and remember those men and women who have laid down their lives to keep us all free.
Remembering them is our sacred commitment; keeping them in our hearts and minds every day in a fast-paced world is at times difficult, but WE must. “…for it’s when WE hear, WE forget - when WE see, WE remember - when WE do, WE understand.”
I’m privileged to have Chief Warrant Officer Jack Chapin as my Uncle Jack… always was unanimous agreement among all my siblings from the time we learned to talk on that he was best and finest uncle one could ever have. Jack taking us kids from Texas surfing at Nantasket Beach, and for inflatable boat rides while an active duty SEAL was one of the highlights of our growing up years.
Noah Smith
Waco, Texas