HPS Strategic Plan Progress Report

Photo by Joshua Ross

November 29, 2022 By Carol Britton Meyer

Supt. of Schools Margaret Adams presented an update on the Hingham Public Schools strategic plan recently, with a focus on five specific areas -- Culture of Collaboration and Community; Culture Responsive Teaching and Learning; Healthy, Equitable, and Inclusive Communities; Capital and Finance; and Human Resources and Leadership -- and accomplishments to date.

Among the top goals are:

  •  creating partnerships between home, school, and community through effective two-way communication to ensure an inclusive culture and a sense of belonging -- including developing and presenting a communication plan for the new school year; beginning to revise and update district procedures, including training on bullying and harassment, for example; and increased use of social media platforms to highlight district and school happenings and accomplishments.
  •  ensuring student success through aligned, high-quality PK-12+ curriculum, innovative research-based practices, and data-informed instruction -- including the first quarterly meeting of elementary reading and math specialists and interventionists to determine the needs of all learners and how to support students through the Multi-Tiered System of Support model -- and a new hands-on science curriculum at the Middle School.
  • cultivating equitable and inclusive environments that promote "a sense of belonging to allow for social, emotional, physical, and academic wellness" -- including participation by district leaders in the Culturally Responsive Practices Leadership Academy and an equity audit that began recently with a review of past data collection and current policies and practices.
  • allocating funding to provide effective, safe, and modern facilities and adequate resources to enhance the student experience, including completion of a staffing audit using the Fiscal 2023 budget to support Fiscal 2024 budget discussions and the formation of a Technology Committee -- which is drafting surveys and focus group questions as it continues its needs assessment and data collection part of the process.
  • recruiting, developing and empowering a diverse staff "to lead courageously in teaching and learning," including participation by a district team in the Department of Elementary & Secondary Education's Teacher Diversification Professional Learning Community for professional development on hiring and interviewing practices and identifying how to support reading and math instruction at the elementary level through a review of literacy and math data.

"We hope to come back in the winter and at the end of the school year with [further updates] on how the plan is coming to life and not just sitting on a shelf," Adams said.

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