New superintendent Dr. Margaret Adams addressed the district's teachers during convocation.
August 31, 2022 - Submitted by Hingham Public Schools, photos by Joshua Ross
Hingham Public Schools held their annual convocation day today as they welcomed back new and returning faculty. The Hingham Education Association and Hingham School Committee Chair Michelle Ayer kicked off convocation with welcome statements and new Superintendent Dr. Margaret Adams followed with an engaging speech that centered around the positive impact that educators can have on young people. To wrap up the opening of convocation, newly appointed Fine Arts Director Joann Bellis surprised the audience with a 50 student performance of “Together We Stand”. There was not a dry eye in the house.

Chair of the School Committee Michelle Ayer welcomed all the new administrators and staff.

HPD comfort dog Opry even made a guest appearance.

Co-president of the HEA June Gustafson, who is stepping down from her leadership position after this year, thanked her fellow teachers for their support.

Under the direction of new Fine Arts Director Joann Bellis, 50 students gave a surprise performance to end the event.