I’m Not Throwing Away My (Flu) Shot - Hingham Anchor

I’m Not Throwing Away My (Flu) Shot

It’s flu season and there have already been numerous cases of flu confirmed among Hingham residents this year.  The Town of Hingham is offering free flu shots for any residents over the age of 18 while supplies last.  You can call the Hingham Health Department at 781-741-1466 to determine availability and arrange an appointment.

According to Kathy Crowley, RN, Hingham Public Health Nurse, “It’s never too late to get a flu shot and I always say it’s worth the shot! This flu season there are a number of different vaccine options available. One option is a high dose that some doctors are recommending for people over the age of 65.  We recommend that you call your doctor to see which vaccine is best for you. The Town of Hingham is offering the regular flu vaccine.”

“The flu vaccine is redesigned each year to match the strains of flu that are currently being reported most often to the CDC. The flu vaccine actually protects against 3 or 4 viruses each year. There are 2 types of flu virus (a and b) and several different variants of both,” said Susan Swords, MD, Internal Medicine at South Shore Medical Center, and Hingham resident. “Flu viruses are constantly evolving and so it’s impossible to ever get a perfect match. The flu vaccine is basically researchers best guess of the types of flu virus that will be seen that year.”

For more information about the flu, you can visit Center for Disease Control website for tips on additional ways to prevent the flu. 

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