Interim Supt. hiring committee will be topic at Friday's School Committee meeting - Hingham Anchor

Interim Supt. hiring committee will be topic at Friday’s School Committee meeting

Photo by Joshua Ross

July 6, 2021 by Carol Britton Meyer

The School Committee will meet via Zoom this Friday, July 9, at 6 p.m. to discuss the creation of a hiring committee to name an interim superintendent following Supt. of Schools Paul Austin's recent resignation. His last day is July 30. The details of how to participate in the meeting will be posted on the town website.

"The hiring committee will consist of School Committee members -- potentially the whole Committee -- as well as representatives from the School Department staff," Chair Kerry Ni told the Hingham Anchor. "We will discuss the search for a permanent Superintendent at a later date, also in public meetings."

Ni went on to explain that the School Committee will not be discussing the hiring committees for the two interim principal positions to replace former East School Principal Anthony Keady and former Foster School Principal Beth Wilcox -- who both resigned recently -- because the School Committee does not hire principals.

Ni gave assurances that the Central Office team is "working diligently on those searches and will share information with parents and the community as soon as it is available."

Candidate interviews and deliberation about potential candidates will also take place during open public meetings of the School Committee.

Ni said earlier that the School Committee and Hingham Public Schools district administrators will continue to keep the community informed during each step of the search process for all three positions and will communicate opportunities for members of the community to be involved.

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