Joe Fisher Announces Candidacy for Board of Selectmen


Joe Fisher, Chair of the Hingham Zoning Board of Appeals, announced his candidacy for the Board of Selectmen.

“I’ve had the privilege of serving Hingham for over 20 years. Guiding the Town in its achievement of the safe harbor under Chapter 40B, properly conditioning development projects, and resolving complex zoning issues have been rewarding experiences.  My practice has been to listen to, and respect, the views of members of our community.”

“I am a strong advocate for fiscal responsibility and prudent management. Working alongside exceptionally skilled men and women has been a tremendous benefit. I hope to continue working for Hingham as a Selectman.”
Joe previously chaired the Hingham Conservation Commission. In 2002 the Massachusetts Secretary of Environmental Affairs appointed Joe to the Citizens Advisory Committee for the South Weymouth Naval Air Station Restoration Project.


Joe moved to Hingham in 1992 where he has served in leadership roles as president of the Board of Trustees of Congregation Sha’aray Shalom and president of the Board of the Old Colony Montessori School.  He was a founding board member of the Children’s Melanoma Prevention Foundation and president of the board of the Ronald McDonald House of Washington, D.C.

“Over the 20 years I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Joe, his commitment to making Hingham a better place to live has been exemplary,” said Steve DeMenna, who is chairing the Committee to Elect Joe Fisher.

Avis Goldstein, Joe’s community outreach coordinator, added:  “I’ve seen how Joe conducts meetings and I continue to be impressed with his professional demeanor. He sets a high benchmark for respect and thoughtfulness.”

However, Millie Fisher, Joe’s mother, expressed concerns: “Will Joe’s responsibilities as a Selectman interfere with his weekly dinners with me at Linden Ponds?”  Joe has reassured Millie that visits with her are a priority.

Joe Fisher graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Wesleyan University; he received his J.D. from Yale Law School. He has represented a wide range of business and tax-exempt organizations. He is an arbitrator for the Massachusetts Bar Association’s Legal Fee Arbitration Board. His academic appointments include Visiting Associate Professor of Law and Economics at the University of California, Santa Barbara, Adjunct Professor at Roger Williams University School of Law, and Teaching Fellow at Yale University’s Department of Economics.

Joe Fisher and his wife Laura are the proud parents of Rebecca and Benjamin, both graduates of Hingham High School.

For more information, please visit

This content was submitted to The Anchor by Joe Fisher and does not represent the opinions of The Anchor.

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