Select Board Pride Month Proclamation

June 1, 2022 Submitted By The Town of Hingham

Whereas, Hingham is a community that values diversity and inclusion, and is committed to equal rights and opportunities for all its residents; and

Whereas, Hingham recognizes the important contributions of its LGBTQ+ residents to the Town’s history, culture, economy, and civic life; and

Whereas, June 28, 2022 marks the 53rd  anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, an event that gave rise to the beginning of the Gay Rights Movement in the United States; and

Whereas, June is now recognized across the country and in the Commonwealth as Pride Month; and

Whereas, we celebrate the accomplishments of the LGBTQ+ community towards securing important rights and freedoms, often through struggle and adversity; and

Whereas, we remain vigilant against continued oppression and discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community, and against any new political efforts to overturn these accomplishments; and

Whereas, we affirm our support for our LGBTQ+ residents, including our students and our employees, vendors, and visitors and stand with them to protect their civil rights and ability to live openly without fear; and

Whereas, we congratulate the members of the Hingham Pride Project for their efforts to increase LGBTQ+ visibility and to support LGBTQ+ citizens, particularly our LGBTQ+ youth, through the distribution of over 4,000 Pride flags to individuals, families, and organizations throughout Hingham; and

Whereas, we acknowledge the important efforts of the Hingham School Committee, the School Department leadership, teachers and staff to support our LGBTQ+ students and to help all students meet core educational competencies that prioritize social-emotional learning, health and safety and respect for others;

Now, therefore we, William C. Ramsey, Elizabeth F. Klein, and Joseph M. Fisher, Select Board of Hingham, do hereby proclaim June 2022 to be


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