Libby Lewiecki Announces Candidacy for Hingham Town Clerk - Hingham Anchor

Libby Lewiecki Announces Candidacy for Hingham Town Clerk

January 5, 2021 Submitted by Libby Emerson Lewiecki 

I am pleased to announce that I’m running for Hingham Town Clerk and pulled papers for that office today.

This is an exciting opportunity to serve Hingham’s citizens in a critical position that uses my organizational and management skills. The Town of Hingham is run by interesting, experienced people with whom I know I can work effectively. I’ve admired and respected Eileen McCraken from the day I moved here 24 years ago. Building on her legacy of running a professional, efficient, and friendly office is critical to maintaining the citizens’ trust.

My education and professional background have thoroughly prepared me for this position. I earned a B.A. in Sociology from Hamilton College and a Masters of Management of Human Services from Brandeis University. I apply what I learned in classes such as Operations Management, Organizational Behavior, Financial Management, Accounting, Policy, and Statistics on a daily basis both professionally and personally.

During many years of experience running non-profit offices, creating and managing my own photography business with my husband, and volunteering for the Hingham Public Schools, I’ve honed my skills to a point where I’m confident that I can build on the success of the Town Clerk’s office. I will bring an eye towards creating efficiencies, technological upgrades, green initiatives, and educational opportunities. I will build on the momentum of voter turnout and civic engagement, caused in part by the global pandemic in 2020.

Please know that I am very sad not to be running for re-election to the School Committee. It is an honor to serve the students of this community alongside the other committee members and the HPS administration. But I am excited to know that, if elected to Town Clerk, I will still be a part of the same team that is the Hingham Town government.

I’m asking for Hingham’s help in my campaign. Please let me know if you’d like to be a part of my campaign team and/or make a donation by contacting me at 617-842-6494 or Also, please visit my Facebook page “Libby Emerson Lewiecki for Hingham Town Clerk” and like/share it with others.

I look forward to working with and for you.

2 thoughts on “Libby Lewiecki Announces Candidacy for Hingham Town Clerk”

  1. I support Libby for Town Clerk! I have worked with Eileen as a volunteer and understand we need another Town Clerk with the same values and work ethic! I know Libby will follow in Eileen’s footsteps and we will have a seamless transition, Judy Parsons, Hingham 50 year resident


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