Meet the Candidates: Town Election Saturday, 4/27

Meet the Candidates
March 23, 2019 by Carol Britton Meyer

Meet the Candidates

As your "everything elections" news source, the Hingham Anchor asked candidates running for office in the April 27 town election to answer these questions as a way of introducing themselves to the community within the context of the seat for which they are running:

*If you are an incumbent, why are you seeking re-election, what will be your focus, and what do you hope to accomplish in your next term if re-elected?

*If you are a new candidate for the office you are seeking, why did you decide to run for this particular seat, what will be your focus if elected, and what do you hope to accomplish in this new role?

We share their responses below:

Town Moderator

Michael Puzo (incumbent) -- In standing for re-election as Town Moderator, I do so with an abiding respect for Hingham’s tradition of self-governance.  This tradition is manifest in our commitment to open Town Meeting and citizen engagement in all aspects of our civic life.

As moderator,  I aim to oversee Town Meeting itself in an even-handed and thoughtful way, ensuring that our proceedings give due attention to the matters before us, that debate is full and fair, and that decisions are made in an open and well-understood manner. Beyond that, I take the responsibility of the moderator to appoint citizens of the town to various boards and committees most seriously.  Fortunately, we continue to have many of our fellow citizens who are not only qualified, but ready, willing, and able to give volunteer service to the town.  It is a privilege to meet with them and to have the opportunity to appoint them to play these vital roles, remaining mindful that citizen engagement is an essential element of Hingham’s DNA and makes the town the special place we know it to be.

Megan Buhr --Did you know that the Town Moderator position is a powerful elected position in Hingham, with the ability to appoint members of various committees and boards in Hingham, including the Advisory Committee?  And did you know that  a candidate for this position has only been opposed a couple of times in at least the past 57 years?  I am running for Town Moderator because I believe that I will be a strong voice for Hingham's residents.  I will work to ensure that the very best volunteers, representing a cross-section of Hingham's residents, have a say in the many committees and boards that run Hingham so well.  I will make it my mission to increase active civic participation by Hingham residents and to educate our citizens about the importance of participation in our unique Town Meeting-style of government.

A bit of history: In the 2011 Town election, longtime Town Moderator Thomas O’Donnell was challenged by Michael Salerno and Bernard Manning. O'Donnell won with 1,726 votes.  Salerno had 544 votes and Manning, 128.

In 2012 after O’Donnell had announced he was stepping down as Town Moderator after 45 years, Puzo ran for that seat in the April 28 election. Bernard Manning, who also ran for Selectman and School Committee that year, was also a Town Moderator candidate. (He was not successful in the three races.) The Town Moderator vote was Manning 599 to Puzo’s 2,847.

There have been no other Town Moderator races in recent years until this election.

School Committee

Joshua Ross -- I am running for this seat because over the past five years, I have been involved in many groups and committees in town including volunteering at my children’s schools.  The past two years, as Hingham Middle School PTO President, I have seen firsthand the work the School Committee does and feel I can be an asset on the Committee because of my experience and existing relationships with parents, school administrators, and town officials.  In this position I will focus on making sure our students have a safe and productive learning environment, with Foster School being a top priority. I will also promote open and transparent communication with the parents, the administration and the community and will bring practical solutions to ensure every student has the best opportunity to reach their fullest potential. In this role I hope to make it easier for parents to learn about and understand what the School Committee does and hope to make the School Committee and administration aware of the everyday concerns facing the parents in our community.

Carlos Da Silva (incumbent) -- I am running for re-election to the School Committee to continue to serve the students and the community and to help maintain the excellence in our education system. Parents, students, and teachers bring to my attention issues that are important to them.  I listen carefully and work with my colleagues on the School Committee to address their concerns. If re-elected, I will continue focusing on concerns about Foster School. Whether or not we are accepted by the Massachusetts School Building Authority for partial state funding on our third recently-submitted try, the School Committee will have a lot of work to do. I want to be there to help secure a successful outcome. I also served as chair of the Long-range Planning Subcommittee helping to develop a 10-year master plan for the schools and as vice-chair of the Superintendent Search Screening Committee. I want to be re-elected to help ensure a successful transition for our new superintendent of schools,  Dr. Paul Austin. I have also served in many other capacities. I pledge to continue being an asset to our town for many years to come.

Liza O'Reilly (incumbent) -- I am running for re-election because I love doing this job and still feel energized to contribute. The Hingham Public Schools must deliver innovative programs, create productive citizens, and be effectively managed and fiscally responsible. To do that takes commitment, vision, homework, and hard work -- which is my passion and why I want to serve. I have three main goals in my next term. First, I will continue to focus on ensuring that the Hingham Public Schools grow in their educational excellence for all students including elementary, middle school, high school, vocational, special education, and out-of-district. Second, Hingham welcomes Dr. Paul Austin as its new superintendent in July and I am focused on assisting the school district’s transition following Dr. Dorothy Galo's 18-year tenure.

This will be a big adjustment for everyone. As an experienced member of the School Committee, I believe that I can help bring about a successful transition. And I will champion the building of a new Foster School. This nearly 70-year-old building is in need of replacement. Hingham must address this critical capital project that affects the entire community in addition to the Foster students, families, and staff.

Nancy "Nes" Correnti -- My interest in this esteemed position stems from my children’s early years at Wilder Nursery School, where I was treasurer, as well as my many years on the Plymouth River Elementary School PTO, where I currently serve as treasurer. Coupled with my involvement in many enrichment programs, I have a long and proven track record as an advocate for the education and well-being of children in Hingham.

Being involved in Hingham schools and activities over the years is only part of what makes me a strong candidate for School Committee. My background as a CPA and CFO will allow me to actively engage in the process of reviewing and approving the Hingham Public Schools budgets, as well as many of the other duties that would benefit from my data-driven, analytical mindset. I am also committed to helping successfully transition Dr. Paul Austin into his new role as Superintendent, help find solutions to the Foster School building crisis, and fight to maintain manageable class sizes amid drastic Hingham population growth. I live in Hingham with my husband, Joe. We have three children, ages 12, 11 and 8.

Housing Authority

Janine Suchecki -- Born and raised in Hingham, sitting on the Housing Authority would give me the opportunity to give back to the town I call home. My priority is to ensure our fellow residents are served with respect and care so that they too can enjoy Hingham.  As a veteran and a child of a mother living here in Hingham, I’m aware of the challenges faced in terms of being able to afford living here.  If elected to the Housing Authority, I would be a voice that can reach out to those groups and establish a bridge of communication with the residents in Hingham Housing Authority housing. I see the challenges some of our veterans living in the community face and would be an effective voice for those citizens who have served our country.  I will listen carefully to Hingham Housing Authority residents, help them advocate for needed resources and repairs, and ensure that their voice is heard in our community. I would bring a new energy to serving.

Robert Keyes (incumbent) -- I will continue to follow my mandate to provide affordable, decent housing for seniors and the disabled in Hingham. I would like to remain on the Authority because of my desire to build 80 units of affordable rental units, something that seniors responding to a survey conducted two years ago said they wanted. This will allow seniors selling their homes and others to remain in town.

Candidates running unopposed

*Board of Selectmen

Joseph Fisher -- The Board of Selectmen operates as a collective decision-making body for the town. I am running to make sure that the voices of all members of our community are carefully considered when we set policy and strategic direction for Hingham.  As the chair of the Zoning Board of Appeals, it has been my consistent practice to listen to, and to be informed by, competing points of view. I am a strong advocate for fiscal responsibility and for prudent management of the town's resources. I will not shy away from considering bold initiatives so long as they are well planned and measure up to the high standards of our town. I have tremendous respect for the current members of the Board of Selectmen and other town boards, committees, and staff. I hope to support them as appropriate, to challenge them as warranted, and above all to offer leadership that produces positive results both within town government and broadly throughout the community.

Planning Board

Kevin Ellis --The Planning Board serves a crucial role in town -- ensuring responsible development, preserving the character of the town, and fostering a vision for Hingham's growth in the master plan.  I am a patient listener and problem solver who would come to this role without any preconceived notions of how it should be done, but instead with an open mind to helping people realize their plans, addressing the concerns of those impacted by the development, and advocating for growth that serves the best interests of the town. In my professional career as a private client attorney, we serve as trustees of long-term trusts, managing property for current and future generations. I see this role as applying that same mindset and practice to the town -- acting as a steward of responsible growth so that future generations can share the same experiences I have had. This position is not about the individuals who serve, but about their collective desire to represent the town's best interests as it grows.

*Recreation Commission

Ryan Lynch  -- I am pursuing a seat on the Recreation Commission in hopes of improving the fields around town used for youth sports.  I grew up in Hingham, and when my wife and I started our family we agreed this was the place to raise our children.  As my children are now old enough to play sports around town I see the need for improvements to the fields our youth programs use and want to help in any way I can with that improvement.  I want to be involved in the process to build upon the space we have and to see what other options exist for the town.

*Board of Assessors

Christine Roberts (incumbent)--  When I won a seat last year on the board, I was only filling a one-year slot remaining on a three-year term.  I have enjoyed my time on the Board and feel like I have only gotten my feet wet.  I look forward to serving for a full three-year term where I can continue to contribute, learn, and help ensure fair and accurate [property] valuations for all citizens in Hingham.

*Board of Health

Kirk Shilts (incumbent) -- Did not respond

*Sewer Commission

Kirk Shilts (incumbent) -- Did not respond

*Municipal Light Board

Roger Freeman (incumbent) -- Did not respond

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