May 10th, 2021, Submitted by K. Jermyn, VSO
The Town of Hingham Department of Veterans’ Services and the Hingham Veterans’ Council is proud to announce that the Annual Memorial Day Observance will be held Monday, May 31st 2021. The Hingham Town Moderator, Michael Puzo, will begin the ceremony promptly at 11:00 a.m. at HINGHAM TOWN HALL.
All Veterans [and their families], the HHS Band, and all senior citizens will be provided seating. Honor/Color Guards will be posted in the Veterans Monument, and the general public is invited. Citizens who choose to congregate on the lawn in front of Town Hall are asked to bring their own chairs.
Please wear a mask if you are not vaccinated.
A much-abbreviated version of the Hingham High School Band, under the direction of Brian Cincotta, will perform several pieces of patriotic music, including our National Anthem, and ask all in attendance to kindly NOT sing aloud at this time in accordance with the guidelines.
The Principal Speaker will be: COLONEL PHILIP ANDERSON, USMC (Ret.)
Colonel Anderson served almost 25yrs. in the U.S. Marine Corps commanding at every level through the Battalion with deployments worldwide including the Middle East, Western Pacific and Haiti among others. He is a recognized expert with extensive International and Homeland Security, Defense Policy, and Counter-Terrorism experience, and has continued his service to the Nation in multiple different roles since his retirement in 2001.
Phil holds a Masters in International Relations and a Masters and Ph.D in Education from George Mason University. Dr. Anderson assumed responsibilities as the Chief Innovation Officer at the Global Resilience Institute at Northeastern University in 2017. He also served as a Professor in the School of Public Policy.
Dr. Anderson is also a Permanent Deacon in the Hingham Catholic Collaborative. He is married to the former Heidi Kemp, and has 2-adult children, Joseph, a graduate of the United States Merchant Marine Academy and Isabel, an aspiring Medical School student.
After the official remarks, the Town Clerk will read the names of those Hingham Veterans who have passed since April 15th of last year. A wreath will be placed in honor of all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, as the Rifle Squad Fires-the-Volley, and the Bugler sounds TAPS.
At the conclusion of the ceremony, ALL Veterans and their families are invited for a box-style lunch served by Hart Brothers Catering of Rockland. Members of the HHS Veterans Appreciation Club will assist in bringing the BOXES to those veterans & their families who remain seated.
***In the event of inclement weather, the entire ceremony will be conducted in the Sanborn Auditorium, Hingham Town Hall ***