November 14, 2024 By Carol Britton Meyer
Harbormaster Kenneth Corson and the select board decided this week that mooring permit fees will remain unchanged for the current fiscal year.
This decision follows a lengthy discussion at a late-October select board meeting during which Head Assistant Harbormaster Joseph Driscoll presented Corson’s proposed mooring permit fee increases for fiscal 2025 and beyond.
Corson explained to the board this week that he will be reviewing the town’s fee structure in light of the costs associated with running harbormaster operations at the harbor and the mooring fees charged by other communities.
“The harbormaster will present his review to the select board next year, when mooring fees will again be discussed,” Chair Joseph Fisher told the Hingham Anchor in response to a followup email about the meeting.
Mooring permit fees are deposited into the Waterways Improvement & Maintenance Fund. Anticipated and future harbor-related expenses include a planned dredging project in 2029, wharf repairs, and harbormaster department salaries.
Go to https://www.hinghamanchor.com/harbormaster-proposing-mooring-permit-fee-increases-public-comments-encouraged-prior-to-further-discussion/ for details of the earlier discussion.