New Hours at Town Hall Starting July 1 - Hingham Anchor

New Hours at Town Hall Starting July 1

town of hingham ma town hall
Photo Courtesy of the Town of Hingham

June 5, 2024 Submitted by The Town of Hingham

Starting July 1, 2024, Town Hall offices will be open to the public during the following times:

· Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM
· Tuesdays 7:30 AM – 7:00 PM
· Building Department only: Monday through Thursday opening at 7:00 AM

These new hours will offer Hingham residents increased Town Hall availability during the busiest days of the week by extending work hours in the mornings and afternoons Monday through Thursday. Overall, under this schedule, Town Hall offices will be open 40 hours per week, up from the current schedule of 39 hours.

Additional hours early in the morning for the Building Department, starting at 7:00 AM, responds to requests from homeowners and building contractors to be available earlier in the workday.

Over the past year, the Town of Hingham revamped its website and launched the MyHingham app to streamline processes, making it easier to communicate with and get Town business done remotely and more efficiently. Residents and local businesses are increasingly taking advantage of convenient online bill pay and online applications, reducing the need to come to Town Hall.

Starting July 1, the following Town Hall offices will NOT be open to the public on Fridays:
 Accounting
 Assessing
 Building
 Center for Active Living (the Friday program will be moved to South Shore Country Club)
 Community Planning
 Conservation
 Health
 Historic Preservation
 Human Resources
 Land Use and Development
 Retirement
 Town Administration
 Town Clerk
 Treasurer/Collector
 Veterans’ Services

The following Departments will have NO change to their schedules:
 Fire
 Hingham Municipal Lighting Plant
 Hingham Public Library
 911 Emergency Dispatch
 Police, including Animal Control and Harbormaster
 Public Works, including the Transfer Station
 Recreation, including classes and summer camp
 School Administration
 Sewer
 South Shore Country Club
 Weir River Water System

The new schedule responds to residents’ needs and will also enhance the Town’s ability to attract and retain talented employees in a competitive, post-pandemic market. “We anticipate this schedule change will improve our ability to fill vacant positions with qualified staff. Having experienced and dedicated employees is at the core of our ability to meet the service expectations of the public,” explained Town Administrator Tom Mayo.

The Town Administrator is confident that this new schedule will be a win-win for residents and staff. If residents or local businesses have any questions about these revised hours for Town Hall, please email
We are also pleased to notify residents that the Food Truck Tuesday series at Town Hall continues this summer. All are welcome to stop by Town Hall for lunch and enjoy the rotating local restauranteurs. Please visit the Town’s Facebook page to find out which truck is coming each Tuesday.

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