Obituary: Robert “Bob” Treat - Hingham Anchor

Obituary: Robert “Bob” Treat

Robert “Bob” Treat passed away peacefully on Monday, February 17th.  Bob was born on June 23, 1928, to Milo and Janet Sprauge Treat in Buffalo, New York.  His father having died when he was young, Bob was raised by his mother and his step-father, Edward Hobbs, in the house at 62 Burditt Avenue, next to Derby Academy, where he would eventually spend most of his adult life. Bob attended Derby before attending and graduating from Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire. After Exeter, he served in the Army and spent some time overseas for his first and only time, before returning to Hingham.

Bob and his only sibling, Barbara, moved back into their house on Burditt Avenue after their mother died. Bob worked as a stock broker first at Kidder Peabody and then at Reynolds Securities which became Dean Witter.  He was known all over Hingham for his constant smile, colorful baseball caps and boat sneakers, khaki pants and button-down oxfords.  Once he retired from Dean Witter, he used his trademark 1985 Ford LTV “woody” station wagon to ferry his many friends to and from the airport, or wherever they needed to go.

Bob’s warm, friendly, joyful personality and willingness to help anyone with any task at any time earned him the title of “best all-time neighbor” from those who lived nearby.  When not driving, he stayed close to home where he grew and gave away zinnias and tomatoes; made mashed potatoes and hot fudge for close friends; and always kept a stock of popsicles or Klondike bars in the freezer for anyone who stopped by on a summer day!

Besides visiting with and helping friends, Bob found joy in caring for the house and grounds year-round (often paying neighborhood children to “pick up sticks!”), listening to WBZ on his hand-held radio or watching golf or the Red Sox/Patriots/Celtics on TV, golfing and dining at the Cohasset Golf Club … and watching over and caring for his “foster” grandkids – Julia, Brad and KK – who grew up next door for 24 years!

In sum, Bob lived a full, happy life on his own terms.  He was loved and will be missed by all who knew him. For more information and online guestbook go to

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