May 11, 2022 submitted by Steve & Meena LaRonde
As long-time Hingham residents and parents of two children enrolled in the Hingham Public Schools, we are excited and proud to support Matt Cosman for Hingham School Committee. Matt’s exceptional combination of acumen, determination, and passion is exactly what Hingham needs.
We first met Matt years ago when he coached our son in baseball. It was immediately clear to us that Matt saw far beyond the sport itself, keeping the focus on education, teamwork and sportsmanship. His emphasis was always on the growth of the kids versus the result on the diamond. Like many in the community, we have learned even more about Matt as we have attended School Committee meetings. We have observed firsthand how Matt actively listens and engages in respectful discussions with Committee members, administrators and other parents in a sincere effort to advocate for all students.
Matt’s investment in public education and his inherent, solution-oriented approach are palpable. His questions and ideas are based on data as well as parent and educator feedback. Time and time again, Matt has respectfully advocated for realistic goals that are supported by science and address the needs and well-being of students. As a mom who is approaching 3 decades as a full-time Children’s Hospital ICU nurse, while being a substitute Hingham Public Schools nurse, and as a dad with 25 years in financial services who has served for 9 years as a Hingham Education Foundation (HEF) board member, the last 5 years as Treasurer, we are both grateful for and impressed by Matt’s fact-based advocacy. It is particularly valuable in times when emotions can run high and varied opinions abound.
Outside of School Committee meetings, office hours, and meetings of other Town boards, Matt has spent countless hours further connecting with members of the School Committee and other Town leaders, educators, parents, and students. He continually works to build relationships with all stakeholders. Matt understands that speaking regularly with a wide array of parents and caregivers across the district is crucial, in order to truly represent families as they navigate a myriad of hopes and concerns while supporting their students’ academic and social-emotional needs.
As a near life-long Hingham resident and an extremely accomplished product of HPS, Matt appreciates the strength of our schools. He also knows that continued growth requires strong collaboration. He has been and will continue to be a voice calling for transparency and teamwork. While Matt has no desire to be a “politician,” he has a genuine drive to help make our schools the best that they can be. His passion for education and for our community is evident, whether you speak to him one-on-one or listen as he addresses a crowd. Matt speaks from the heart because this matters to him.
Matt Cosman is truly the right person to serve on the School Committee. Matt will ask questions to find the answers. He will work tirelessly to represent all families, students, and residents. Please join us in voting Matt Cosman on May 14th.
Please join us on May 14th and Elect Matt Cosman to the School Committee
Meena LaRonde, full-time Children’s Hospital ICU nurse and substitute Hingham Public Schools nurse
Steve LaRonde, Hingham Education Foundation (HEF) board member, Treasurer last five years
Email: Matt@cosmanforchange.com
Website: www.cosmanforchange.com