May 12, 2021, Submitted by Dorothy Galo, PhD.
I am happy to share this endorsement of the candidacy of Libby Lewiecki for the role of Town Clerk of the Town of Hingham. The role of Town Clerk is a multifaceted one, aspects of which include the keeping of records such as annual street listings, births and deaths, the issuance of certain permits and fees, the oversight of elections and voter records, and the maintenance of by-laws, voter lists, town committee meeting minutes and other records that are required. But of equal importance to the execution of the tasks of this role are the personal characteristics that are important to informing and assisting citizens and fellow employees and greeting and welcoming visitors to our town. Hingham has been well served by our current Town Clerk. Indeed, many have commented on the quality of her work, her dedication and loyalty to Hingham, and the welcoming and professional manner that mark her interactions with others. Replacing Eileen McCracken is no easy task, but as always is the case in our Town, good and talented people step forward. Libby Lewiecki is such a person.
My comments about Libby Lewiecki are based mainly upon my awareness of her involvement with the School Department. As a new resident in Town, Libby quickly volunteered in the schools that her then young children attended. I recall her subsequent active membership and her interest in learning as much as she could about education in the HPS when she became a member of the All-Town PTO, a group of PTO Presidents that met monthly with the Superintendent of Schools. She is currently serving on the Hingham School Committee, particularly involved with enhancing communication and information sharing with parents. For a time, Libby also worked as a substitute teacher in all of our schools, no small challenge as most of us who have been parents can surely agree. I have found Libby to be a dedicated worker, a quick study in understanding the roles that she has undertaken, and cheerful and patient in her interactions with parents, school staff, and her peers on the school committee.
I am pleased to support Libby in her election bid, and I especially note the enthusiasm and excitement she displays as she considers the potential of serving our town in a different way as Town Clerk and at the same time furthering her own interests in the world of non-profit work.
As voters reflect on the characteristics and skills that are important in our next Town Clerk, I hope my fellow citizens will consider all that Libby already has accomplished and what she can bring to this important role.