OPINION: Help save the skate house! - Hingham Anchor

OPINION: Help save the skate house!

Photo courtesy of Robert Stansell from the Hingham historical commission

December 17, 2020, Submitted by Hannah Gates

Help save the skate house!

My name is Hannah Gates and I am a senior at Hingham High School in Mr. George’s marketing class. Until recently, I was unaware of the fact that the Historic Hingham Skate House on East Street is in jeopardy of being demolished. Upon hearing this, I was fortunate to be able to attend various informational zoom meetings to learn more about this topic and hear from both sides.

Photo courtesy of Robert Stansell from the Hingham historical commission

I am writing to bring awareness to this issue. If you don't know what the Skate house is, it is a historical building which is located on East Street next to the East Street pond. The East Street Skate House was a staple of my childhood and I bet a lot of yours as well. It is where many people warm up and get changed in the winter in order to skate on the pond right outside the building.

Photo courtesy of Robert Stansell from the Hingham historical commission

The building currently is in great disrepair, but it contains a history that needs to be cherished, our history. The Hingham Rec commission currently has plans to demolish it with no explanation about what they plan to put in its place. The Hingham Historical Commission has proposed a wonderful plan along with the fundings to save and secure the building along with future plans to restore and improve the Skate House. Saving this Hingham treasure will allow future Hingham family's to create their own special memories.

Photo courtesy of Robert Stansell from the Hingham historical commission

Regardless of your stance on this important town issue, the destruction of a vital historic asset for the town of Hingham should not be determined by  a small number of recreational committee members. I am asking you to show the town that the skate house means something to people, and it does not deserve to be destroyed. Help us save the skate house and preserve the history of Hingham, something that makes Hingham such a unique town. Please help us in stopping this permanent decision until the residents of Hingham are able to make an informed and permanent decision on this matter. The Hingham Historical Commission’s proposal is outlined in the pictures above. Please let your voice be heard and let the Hingham Rec commission know how you feel before it’s too late. It can be saved.

To contact the rec commission, email: info@hinghamrec.com  or call 781-741-1464.

Photo courtesy of Hannah Gates

Hannah Gates is a current senior at Hingham High School.

2 thoughts on “OPINION: Help save the skate house!”

  1. You go girl !! A great article, and thank you for doing it. I am 80 years old and remember so well many wonderful days at the HIngham Skating Club. Keep up the good work, and let us know what further we can do.
    Barbara Wollan, Hingham Resident


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