Opinion: It Takes a Village to Care for Its Villagers in Need

Glenn Mangurian

November 28, 2022 By Glenn Mangurian

The incident at the Derby Street Apple Store last week reminds us that tragedy can happen anywhere including Hingham. As a community our hearts got out to the scores of fellow neighbors affected by this unthinkable event. We were fortunate to have tremendous and expeditious support provided by Hingham’s emergency responders as well as from neighboring communities and the State.

Thanksgiving should be the start of a holiday season focused on happiness and gratitude yet this tragedy raises a grey cloud over our celebrations. The near term priority is to support those directly and indirectly affected by this very sad event. Community members also need the space and time to heal.

More broadly, however, there are some in our community who feel isolated, fearful, anxious and even helpless by their circumstances. These negative feelings can be overwhelming and amplified during the holiday season while others are celebrating with family and expressing gratitude for their blessings. Depression during the holiday season is a very real thing. As wonderful as they are, the holidays can be emotionally exhausting for many of us.

Hingham’s Executive Health Officer, Susan Sarni, and Community Crisis Response Clinician, Aileen Walsh, have recently shared resources that are available for emotional support and mental health-related issues. https://www.hingham-ma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/16723/Resources-For-Residents-Seeking-Mental-Health-Related-Assistance These Hingham leaders will help guide those who reach out for assistance because none of us should feel alone. Some may be reluctant because of the stigma associated with their vulnerability.

You may have a friend or neighbor who feels vulnerable during this season. Reach out and let them know that you care and that they are not alone. Listen  with compassion and empathy. It takes a village to care for its villagers. That’s who each of us can be. If not us, then who?

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