Opinion: Josh Ross for Board of Assessors - Hingham Anchor

Opinion: Josh Ross for Board of Assessors

Photo courtesy of Joshua Ross

May 18, 2021, Submitted by Sara Abbott, Sara Ader, Jen Benham, Allie Christoper, Lynn Cotter, Amy Crean, Barbie Dwyer, Kelly Hoppe, Kelly Jones, Suzanne Kracunas, Dawn Murray, Faith Peak, Becca Peirce, Kerry Ni

We are writing in support of Joshua Ross’s candidacy for Board of Assessors, a role that will require a common-sense approach to deciding what’s best for Hingham residents. We can think of no better person to fill this role than Josh.

In our work as PTO presidents in the Hingham Public Schools over the past five-plus years, we have worked with Josh and found him to be intelligent, trustworthy and fair-minded. He proactively does the work that needs to be done without hesitation and without ego. He has stepped up time and time again, always with the best interests of Hingham’s families at heart.

Josh has served in numerous PTO leadership roles, including president of the HHS PTO and HMS PTO. He has brought together a unified PTO group of all the schools to help the work of the School Committee. He has served on two town-wide forums and overseen numerous district-wide projects. He also chaired the Compressor Station Task Force. Especially during this past year with COVID-19, Josh has consistently worked with elected officials and school administrators to help solve the problems faced by Hingham families.

In our opinion, Josh can be trusted to make wise decisions concerning property values and abatements, recommendations on commercial vs. residential tax rates and frequency of assessments. We believe he will bring his fair-minded, can-do attitude to the Board of Assessors and our town will benefit from his efforts.

Please join us in supporting Joshua Ross for Board of Assessors. Thank you.
Sara Abbott
Sara Ader
Jen Benham
Allie Christopher
Lynn Cotter
Amy Crean
Barbie Dwyer
Kelly Hoppe
Kelly Jones
Suzanne Kracunas
Dawn Murray
Faith Peak
Becca Peirce
Kerry Ni

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