Opinion: Laura English Marwill, The Right Person For The Job - Hingham Anchor

Opinion: Laura English Marwill, The Right Person For The Job

May 18, 2021, Submitted by Tom Hall, Bruce Rabuffo, Lucy Hancock, Irma Lauter, Alexander Macmillan, Tom Pyles, Jerry Seelen, Mark Cullings, Keith Jermyn, Geri Duff, Mark Duff, Martha Reardon Bewick, Sara Abbott, Gordon Carr, Marisa Costello, Bill English, Lee R. Forker, Jr., Judy Kelley, Lynne Powell-Pinto, Missy Smith

We enthusiastically support Laura English Marwill to be Hingham’s new Town Clerk.

Laura’s qualifications preparing her for this important position are impeccable. Her educational background (Hingham Public Schools, College of the Holy Cross), financial experience (vice president at BankBoston, Chartered Financial Analyst 2001-2012), and, most importantly, town government responsibilities (Advisory Committee for 6 years, volunteer election worker over four national, state and local election cycles) constitute an excellent resume for becoming Hingham’s next Town Clerk. Moreover, Laura’s warm, enthusiastic and welcoming graciousness are qualities much desired in someone occupying a town position that requires more daily interaction with the public than any other.

Hingham has become the special community it is because throughout its long history it has had generous and civic-minded citizens willing to commit themselves to making it better. Laura is the embodiment of this continuing commitment.

The office of Town Clerk is, by law, non-partisan and Laura is committed to upholding the integrity and sanctity of the office. We know who she is, and that she’s the right person for the job. As former Hingham town officers (including Town Clerk and members of the Select Board, Advisory Committee, School Committee, Historical Commission, Library Trustees, Veterans’ Council, Zoning Board of Appeals) and involved citizens, we invite you to join us in voting for Laura for Town Clerk on May 22.

If you have questions for Laura or about her experience, please feel free to connect with her directly (votemarwill@gmail.com) or review votemarwill.com.


Tom Hall: Former Town Clerk

Bruce Rabuffo: Former Select Board Chair

Lucy Hancock: Former AdCom Chair, Chair Library Board Trustees

Irma Lauter: Former AdCom Chair, Former Select Board

Alexander Macmillan: Former AdCom Chair, Chair Historical Commission, Town Historian, Former President Hingham Historical Society

Tom Pyles: Former AdCom Chair

Jerry Seelen: Former AdCom Chair, Former ZBA

Mark Cullings: Former SC Chair, Co-Founder HEF & HSP, Former Heritage Museum, Farmers Market

Keith Jermyn: USN Director of Veterans Services

Geri Duff: Bare Cove Fire Museum Clerk, Girl Scout House Director, 2016 Hingham Journal Citizen of the Year

Mark Duff: Former Hingham Fire Chief

Martha Reardon Bewick: Writer & ferry advocate since 1974

Sara Abbott

Gordon Carr

Marisa Costello

Bill English

Lee R. Forker, Jr.

Judy Kelley

Lynne Powell-Pinto

Missy Smith


4 thoughts on “Opinion: Laura English Marwill, The Right Person For The Job”

  1. I personally have to question the judgement of individuals who supported and contributed (financially) to the most recent Trump presidential campaign, and the wisdom of electing such a person to a non-partisan position whose responsibilities include voter registration and elections. Where exactly does Ms. Marwill stand on the various efforts that have taken place at state and local levels to question and/or overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, and to restrict access to voting in future elections? And given her support for the Trump campaign, why exactly should the citizens of Hingham trust her with the responsibilities of this office?

  2. For a position that is non-partisan, I think those that have been leaders of political parties should not be eligible. I will

    • Not surprised to see negative opinions on Laura’s article. I don’t see it in anyone else’s. This is so typical and actually quite comical at this point. Keep going I know more people that are actually voting for her now because they are tired of reading people assaulting her character without even knowing her.

  3. FYI – Marwill is a former HRTC Chair. Town clerks should be non-partisan. Her past history includes recent political donations to Winred, supporting Trump, and significant donations to Kristen Arute.


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