OPINION: Online News- A Green Solution for our Planet

April 22, 2022 by Laura Winters and Hilary Jenison

The Hingham Anchor is proud to celebrate Earth Day with you today. We believe that part of what makes the Anchor special to our community is our ability to provide fair and accurate community coverage without the carbon footprint that comes along with a traditional print publication.

By remaining completely online without a print component, we are able to be part of the solution for our planet rather than part of the problem. According to a study from the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, the lifecycle of ONE newspaper produces greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to driving a car .62 miles when you account for production, printing and delivery. Whether or not that paper is recycled can further increase the carbon footprint. By operating completely online, we eliminate the bulk of those greenhouse gasses.

Additionally, by working with local reporters, we eradicate the greenhouse gases that would be emitted by bringing reporters from out of town to cover our local happenings.

Times have changed and it's clear by the warm welcome we have received in the community that the town was ready to change the way it received its information, too. We're proud to be able to provide this service at no charge in a way that benefits not just our community, but the planet as a whole.

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