Opinion: "The seniors need closure..." - Hingham Anchor

Opinion: “The seniors need closure…”

May 3, 2020 by Courtney Sherwood, Class of 2020 Senior Class President

Link to petition

Graduation is a tradition, a celebration, and a milestone in life as a student at Hingham High School. I wrote this petition to emphasize this point and show how strongly our community feels that we at least try to postpone and hold an in-person graduation.

I receive hundreds of messages a week from students and parents asking questions and looking for answers. In these crazy times where everything is uncertain, what the students and community want and need is hope. When we don't know what the future will bring, we shouldn’t jump the gun and hold a socially modified event soon without doing everything we can to try and save a more traditional graduation in August.

The seniors need closure to their 13+ years of schooling. Schools all over Massachusetts are postponing their graduation ceremony including our neighbors; Scituate, Cohasset, Hull, Marshfield, and Hanover. Of course there are factors that make this idea difficult, and we understand that with covid it might not even be possible in early August. However, we want the opportunity to try before having to accept a modified event that doesn’t allow for us to watch our classmates walk across the field and receive their diploma.

Courtney Sherwood
Class of 2020


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