Summer Wiffle Ball Classic Hit It Out of the Park - Hingham Anchor

Summer Wiffle Ball Classic Hit It Out of the Park

Another big fundraising effort and thrilling competition on the field highlighted the 2nd annual Summer Wiffle Ball Classic.

Held at Carlson Field the event brought in more than $50,000 in 2 years according event organizers. All funds went to Children’s Hospital, and is organized by Hingham residents Alex Malloy and Dan Vantresca, Malloy and Ventresca are patients at Boston Children’s Hospital, being treated for Gorham Stout, a rare bone disease of the lymphatic system.

“For our families, Children’s Hospital Boston will always be a special cause. Their research and expertise saved our sons lives” said Susanne Malloy   

Alex and Dan both life saving medical treatment at Boston Children’s for this extremely rare disease. As such, all proceeds from the Summer Wiffle Ball Classic will again benefit the Lymphatic Anomalies Registry fund at Boston Children’s Hospital. This registry is critical for Alex, Dan and others with such rare diseases as there is not a lot of information about long-term effects and outcomes or the most effective treatments. Because the few patients with these rare disorders are spread across the globe, it is very important to gather patient data in a centralized registry, with the goal of expediting clinical understanding and improving care.

“The Second Annual Summer Wiffle Ball Classic hit it out of the park for Children’s Hospital, thanks to the generosity fo our players, volunteers and sponsors,” added Malloy. 

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