Rockwood Road parcel under consideration as affordable housing site - Hingham Anchor

Rockwood Road parcel under consideration as affordable housing site

March 3, 2021 by Carol Britton Meyer

Through a 2021 Town Meeting warrant article, the Hingham Affordable Housing Trust is asking Town Meeting to authorize the selectmen to transfer to its custody a vacant parcel of land acquired by the town through a 1999 tax taking at 32 Rockwood Road to create affordable housing suitable for the site.

"This is an incredible opportunity for the Trust," Senior Planner Emily Wentworth told the Selectmen Tuesday night. One possibility would be to build a two-family home on the 25,833-square-foot parcel.

None of the HAHT members spoke about the article, but Wentworth conveyed the message that the Trust would be happy to accept the parcel if the transfer request is successful.

At the same time, Selectmen Chair Mary Power noted, an abutter earlier inquired about the possibility of purchasing the town-owned parcel.

Town Administrator Tom Mayo explained that any inquiry made about a town property triggers a review as to whether there is a potential municipal use before a potential sale could be considered.

In some cases, a vacant parcel is transferred to the conservation commission as open space. "In this case, the Trust has expressed an interest in the property," Mayo said.

Wentworth noted that the parcel abuts conservation land. "This might be an opportunity for the town to leverage this resource for public purposes for a possible joint conservation/housing type of project. There are lots of possibilities," she said.

Wentworth noted that when the Trust advances an affordable housing project, neighbors are invited to meet with its members to hear about what's proposed and to get their input.

Michael Saitow of 34 Rockwood Road was on the call and explained that he was the individual who earlier inquired about possibly purchasing the town-owned 32 Rockwood Road parcel.

He is under the understanding that he has an easement from the town to accommodate a shed that was on the property line when he purchased the house.

Wentworth and Real Estate Counsel Susan Murphy aren't aware of the easement, but Saitow plans to forward copies of emails he sent to the town about the parcel dating back to 2013.

The selectmen will vote on the article at a future meeting after Saitow provides this information.

2 thoughts on “Rockwood Road parcel under consideration as affordable housing site”

  1. Thanks for posting the article. Copies of my petitions and title search have been provided to the town and to Emily. I look forward to working with all the groups to find an amicable and reasonable resolution I remain available for discussion as I’ve been trying to score this land for 9 years


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