Sadie Mae's owner seeking partner or investor to get cupcake cafe up and running again - Hingham Anchor

Sadie Mae’s owner seeking partner or investor to get cupcake cafe up and running again

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March 1, 2021 by Carol Britton Meyer

Since the unexpected closing of Sadie Mae's Cupcake Cafe & Bakery in Hingham Centre in Feb. 2020, owner Deb Brockney has been looking for just the right location to reopen the popular business, possibly under new ownership by someone who is interested in carrying on the Sadie Mae's tradition.

COVID-19 hasn't helped, but she remains positive, even after a couple of potential opportunities to set up shop again fell through.

"It would be nice to be able to provide homemade treats -- comfort food -- again," she told the Hingham Anchor. "We had another location in downtown Hingham in our sights last year, but unfortunately the pandemic hit and we decided to wait and see how things would evolve. We had to move everything into a storage unit, and it's been sitting there ever since."

Other opportunities for a potential partnership and investor came and went due to the pandemic. "I've had some really good conversations with wonderful entrepreneurial people over the past six months, but nothing has yet worked out," she said.

While Brockney didn't think it would take more than a year to reopen, she's taking it all in stride. "Everyone had a difficult 2020, but I can't dwell on that," she said. "I ask myself, 'What can I take from this experience that's positive and put it back into the world with a focus on the good?"

After serious consideration, Brockney has decided that while she would love to continue to own Sadie Mae's, she's open to selling the business. "I'm totally willing to listen to new ideas and creative ways of doing it. Basically, it's a turnkey business without a location."

With some easing of COVID-19 restrictions, Brockney sees this as a good time to think about reopening the shop, but she can't do it alone. She is open to partnering with an individual or a group of people and talking with possible investors who would like to carry on the Sadie Mae tradition. "This is a rewarding and fun opportunity to bring Sadie Mae's back. There's so much room for further growth," she said.

People miss Sadie Mae's and Brockney misses her loyal customers. "The weather will be getting better soon, and people need a lift, which is something we can provide! I want to do good things for our community. I want Sadie Mae's to again be that bright spot in someone's day to cheer them up with a delicious treat."

It wouldn't take too much to get Sadie Mae's operating again once a location is found, according to Brockney. "I could train another person and then take a back seat after sharing my knowledge, processes, relationships with the community, and recipes -- including new ones to try," she said. "I possess all the information and would like to pass it on to someone who might be interested. I feel the time is right."

People still contact her about providing delicious cupcakes, donuts, cookies, cakes, and other tasty treats -- including gluten-free, gluten-free vegan, and allergy-friendly -- for small family gatherings and weddings and other special events. All bakery items are 100 percent peanut and tree-nut free.

"They either don't realize we are closed or think we have reopened," Brockney said. "Around Christmastime I received as many as three to five requests a day."

The website is still up and running, with a hopeful "We are opening in a new location soon. . . . Please stay tuned for more information!" message posted on the homepage.

Brockney remains optimistic that Sadie Mae's will reopen sometime in the near future. "It's a little gem that brought so much happiness to so many people, and I'd like for it to make a comeback," she said.

3 thoughts on “Sadie Mae’s owner seeking partner or investor to get cupcake cafe up and running again”

  1. Perhaps partner up with other entrepreneurs who share the same or similar passion.
    Maybe pair with munchies in Plymouth.
    They are a late night delivery service for baked goods like cookies and more…

    • We love your cupcakes and we’re sad to see you were closed. You’ll pick up speed again soon we hope. My daughter and I started a nut free chocolate business in response to her all nut allergies in 2008. My daughter was the work horse and made all the chocolate treats, while I added marketing, sales, and creative input. The business was called Sensitivities and had a great run all through her junior high and high school. College came along and it’s been on the back burner while her career is taking off since graduating from Bryant University. Looking back it was such a great bond and so therapeutic to express creativity while providing nut allergic folks with some yummy treats. Mia also funded her first car purchase with the revenues in 10th grade. As I contemplate retiring from a 36 year nursing career, I am frequently yearning to open a shop locally here in North Scituate. Let’s chat.


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