Scouts Appreciate Support for Tree Drive - Hingham Anchor

Scouts Appreciate Support for Tree Drive

Photo courtesy of the Scouts of Troop 1 Hingham & Chris Blanch

January 29, 2021, Submitted by Chris Blanch and Dan Power for Boy Scout Troop 1, Hingham

The Boy Scouts of Troop 1 Hingham and their adult leaders would like to give a huge “shout out” and thank you to everyone in town who supported their annual Christmas Tree Pick-Up Drive in early January. The Scouts picked up hundreds of trees from all over town, and the donations received go directly to fund the educational, camping and leadership activities of the Troop 1 Scouts.

We would particularly like to thank the staff of Hingham DPW and the Transfer Station. Each year, they coordinate with the Troop to accommodate our trucks full of trees, so that each drop off at the Transfer Station takes place quickly and efficiently.

We would also like to thank everyone for their kindness toward the boys when they were picking up the trees and handing out fliers at the Transfer Station. The boys are between 11 and 17, and one of the skills we’re teaching them is how to approach an adult, speak clearly, and give information as needed. This is a lifelong skill, and it takes experience to become good at it, so thank you for giving them that opportunity.

Thank you to all of the Troop 1 Scouts and parents who participated. We could not have done this without your tireless help.

Thank you to the Hingham Anchor for your coverage and for your always-timely information. Our tree drive would not be successful without the publicity and information you provide.

Another successful Christmas Tree Pick-Up Drive is behind us. Best wishes to everyone in Hingham for a Happy and Peaceful 2021 from Boy Scout Troop 1.

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