Second Parish Church Honors its 275th Year

The Second Parish Church with the banner that Westongraphics of Hingham arranged for their 275th celebration.

April 15, 2021, Submitted by Second Parish Minister, Stephanie Kelsch

Second Parish church, located on Glad Tidings Plain in Hingham, shared glad tidings indeed last week when a banner honoring the church’s 275th year was installed on the front of the building. The banner was designed by Gayla God by Designs of Hingham produced by Westongraphics of Hingham, and put in place by Sign Masters of Whitman.

Phil and Jane Shute watch the installation by Sign Masters of Whitman of the Second Parish Church banner celebrating 275 years.

Built in 1742 by the people of South Hingham, the church was officially recognized as a church four years later and ever since has offered inspiration and service to the surrounding community. It houses the Hingham Food Pantry and hosts AA meetings; gives its annual Christmas Eve collection and more than half of the regular plate collection to charities, usually local ones. Jane Shute, Chair of the 275 Committee is particularly excited about the mini-grants the church will be offering this year that will be distributed based on answers to the question, “What could I do with $275 to help the community or a neighbor?"

A beacon of light and hope on Glad Tidings Plain, the banner shines at night at Second Parish.

Due to the pandemic, Second Parish is currently broadcasting its services and, as with so many churches, exploring creative ways to keep people in touch and active.

1 thought on “Second Parish Church Honors its 275th Year”

  1. What a lovely way to celebrate the moment and mission. Congratulations to the Second Parish Church on its 275th Anniversary!


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