March 25, 2020 by Carol Britton Meyer
Recognizing the importance of supporting local businesses during this challenging time, the town website features a community organizations and business updates page (https://www.hingham-ma.gov/863/COVID-19-Community-Notices).
This information is provided as a public service during this state of emergency and is not an endorsement of any product, business, or program.
Per order of Gov. Charlie Baker, non-essential businesses are now temporarily closed, and while restaurants are prohibited from offering on-premises consumption, they are allowed to offer take-out and delivery services.
"The health department is reaching out to food establishments, businesses, and the schools to ensure they understand [recent federal, state, and local coronavirus-related directives] in this changing landscape," Asst. Town Administrator Michelle Monsegur told the selectmen last night.
Selectman Mary Power noted that among the Hingham restaurants offering takeout with curbside pickup and delivery is the Greenside Grille at the town-owned South Shore Country Club.
"We're all worried about our local businesses," said Selectmen Chairman Karen Johnson. "We know how upsetting and disruptive [this situation is] for them in particular and for all of us."