Sewer Construction Notice - February 5th to 19th - Hingham Anchor

Sewer Construction Notice – February 5th to 19th

Hingham Public Works

February 2, 2o24 By The Town of Hingham

Due to an unforeseen emergency that has arisen, the Hingham Sewer Department will be performing emergency rehabilitations of the Malcolm Street Sanitary Sewer Pumping Station, located at 176 Downer Avenue, beginning on February 5, 2024.  The work will be performed around the clock, 24 hours per day and is expected to last not more than two weeks. The scope of work will include 24 hour by-pass pumping of sewage from 176 Downer Avenue to other various locations in the sewer system, such as the Bradley Woods Pumping Station at 26 Bradley Woods Drive. There will be no disruption of sewer service during the emergency repair.

The rehabilitation is being performed as an emergency repair and will include the replacement of compromised equipment, as well as the necessary structural repairs to remove groundwater entering the sanitary sewer.

We apologize for any inconvenience you may experience during this work and appreciate your continued cooperation while we strive to improve our sanitary sewer system.

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