Getting to Know Stephanie Gertz, Candidate for School Committee

As the 2020 Town Election date nears, (June 27th or you can vote absentee now!), the Anchor would like to help you get to know each of the candidates seeking positions on two important board races -- school committee and selectman.

Allow us to introduce you to our third candidate for Hingham's School Committee, Stephanie Gertz.

Hingham, meet Stephanie. 

Photo above by Irish Eyes Photography

Which of your qualities and experiences, prior or current, would benefit the school committee if you are elected?

I am a former school committee member, I served on the Hanover School Committee. I have a PhD in education from the University of Virginia and I currently work as a paraprofessional at Cohasset Middle High School.

What do you think are the biggest challenges facing the HPS at this time?

The budget! Additionally I would like to see improved communication throughout the system and more consistency across the 4 elementary schools.

What are your thoughts on balancing the needs of the schools within overall town budget limitations, especially during the COVID-19 challenge?
These are unprecedented times, but all town groups want the best for the town. I want to investigate generating more revenue instead of taking funds from town agencies.
What are your hopes for/ideas to enhance the HPS recently-updated Remote Learning Plan should school closures continue into the 2020-2021 school year?
A meeting with parents, an understanding that we are co-teachers now and we need to be a part of the discussion.
If school resumes this fall as hoped, what are your thoughts about how to best  implement social distancing and other precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of all teachers, students, administrators, and staff?

We are entering a new normal and we all need to work together to keep our community safe. I believe that of course we will be following all state guidance on what we should do. I would also look to the medical professionals in our community to help guide us in best practices.

What is the most important role of the school committee?
As a school committee member, it is my responsibility to be the liaison between the school administration and the community. We collaborate with the school administration to help keep the schools the best they can be

What are your best/most fun memories from your childhood school years?

My one shining moment of triumph on the volleyball court!

What was your favorite subject in school? Least favorite?

My favorite subject was Literature, my least favorite varied by school year!

What do you like best about living in Hingham?

The people!

What is your favorite spot in Hingham?


If you could give one piece of advice to the class of 2020, what would it be?

Don’t focus on what you missed, focus on the new challenges ahead - and know that at least your senior year is more memorable than anyone else’s!

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