Summertime fun: Four drive-in movie nights at Hingham Shipyard - Hingham Anchor

Summertime fun: Four drive-in movie nights at Hingham Shipyard

Photo by Joshua Ross Photography

July 8, 2020 by Carol Britton Meyer

There's some exciting news for drive-in movie fans who have longed for their return since the two-screen Weymouth Drive-In on Bridge Street closed in 1976.

Although the Launch at Hingham Shipyard can't host its usual outdoor Friday and Saturday night concerts and movies this summer due to COVID-19 restrictions, four drive-in movie nights will be offered instead, starting this Friday, July 10. The other dates are July 17, 24, and 31.

In conjunction with Patriot Cinemas -- which is located adjacent to the commercial parking lot where the films will be shown --  a pop-up movie theater will be set up by the event-planning company DMSE Sports in compliance with COVID-19 regulations, complete with popcorn and take-out food options from neighboring restaurants.

Photo by Joshua Ross Photography

There will be no amplified sound because it will be transmitted through the car radios. The movies will be shown, rain or shine, on an all-weather screen, starting at 8:45 p.m. and ending around 10:45 p.m.

The Selectmen granted approval for the drive-in movies last night.  According to Hingham Executive Health Officer Susan Sarni, who is part of the town's reopening working group, the names of the drivers and passengers will be taken "in case there's a need to do COVID-19 contact tracing."

That's "highly unlikely," though, Sarni said, because protocols that will be in place at these events "go over and above the COVID-19 compliance standards."

"Back to the Future" will be shown Friday night. Other movies include "Raiders of the Lost Ark," "Jaws," and "Despicable Me."

Larger vehicles will be parked toward the rear of the 91 allotted spaces, which will be filled from the front to the back. Admission is $20 per car. No walk-in movie fans will be allowed.

Leaflets will be passed out to each party as they enter the lot from Essington Drive outlining COVID-19 guidelines, the location of the portable restrooms, and how to order and pick up food and purchase concession items from Patriot Cinemas. No "car hop" service will be provided!

Photo by Joshua Ross Photography

"I think this is great," Selectman William Ramsey said. "I love the fact that they are not only offering movies but also supporting the local restaurants at the Shipyard."

Tickets and the movie schedule will be available soon, online only, at and through The Launch at Hingham Shipyard facebook page.

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