"Sweet Treats" For Our Heroes - Hingham Anchor

“Sweet Treats” For Our Heroes

April 18, 2020 submitted by St. Paul School (photos courtesy of St. Paul School)

Every week at Saint Paul School, Mrs. Jennifer Knobloch shares a “special treat” with the school students.  During this time of school closures, though, Mrs. Knobloch, the Director of Food Services at the school (and former SPS Parent '98, '09, '12 and '13), has been devising fun ways to support the students and our community.

On Friday, April 17th, Mrs. Knobloch decided to make the “special treat” and surprise the staff at South Shore Hospital with over 175 cupcakes and messages of gratitude!   With the assistance of Ms. Katie Puzo (SPS '94), Philanthropy Officer of Major Gifts at the hospital, they were able to deliver these sweet treats and capture the expressions of joy on faces of SSH staff members!   The staff at South Shore Hospital was thrilled with the culinary delights.

Mrs. Knobloch shared that “this really made my heart happy to have a chance to share, in a simple way, how much we appreciate all the staff at South Shore Hospital are doing to care for our community.”

Known for her “special treats,” Mrs. Jennifer Knobloch prepared and delivers over 175 cupcakes in appreciation for all the care the staff at South Shore Hospital shares with our community.


1 thought on ““Sweet Treats” For Our Heroes”

  1. ❤️ the thoughtful & humble acts of kindness you are sharing Hingham Anchor! These are an inspiration for us & a reminder of how very blessed we are to so many caring & brave people supporting our community. Thank you, all!


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