Beach House Hingham Is Back

May 19, 2021 by Gabrielle Martin Beach House Hingham is back! The harbor-side snack shack, located at 95 Otis Street, opened for the ’21 summer season on April 28. The bistro, which overlooks the scenic and serene town Bathing Beach, serves a selection of beach fare, casual comfort foods, and sweet treats, including hand-scooped ice …

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Beach House Hingham is a Harborside Bistro of Fresh Fare and Sweet Treats

Photo courtesy of Wednesday, September 23, 2020 by Gabrielle S. Martin After an anticipated opening of September 14, Beach House Hingham opened at the Harbor Bathing Beach earlier this week. It caused quite the commotion on Hingham Hub, one of Pinboard’s pop-up replacements, when a photo of their menu was shared. Photo courtesy of …

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