Tentative HEA/School Committee agreements reached

June 13, 2204 By Carol Britton Meyer

Tentative agreements were reached with educators and paraeducators on Tuesday, June 11, during an executive session of the Hingham Education Association and the Salary & Negotiations Subcommittee of the School Committee following many months of negotiations. A tentative agreement was also reached with the administrative assistants on May 13.

“We do not yet have a signed contract,” School Committee Chair Nes Correnti told the Hingham Anchor in response to an email inquiry. “I am hoping we will have [more to share] over the next week.”

The tentative agreements relate to Units A, B, and D (educators,  paraprofessionals, and administrative assistants, respectively).

“Each unit’s ratification meeting will take place seven days after their respective memorandum is finalized,”  HEA President Jacqueline Beaupré told the Hingham Anchor in response to an email.

The School Committee has been engaged in ongoing negotiations with the Hingham Education Association Unit B since December 2022, with the HEA Unit A since February 2023, and with Unit D since August 2023 through the Salary & Negotiations  Subcommittee.

The Hingham Anchor also reached out to Subcommittee Chair Kerry Ni and is awaiting her response.

The subcommittee is conducting contract negotiations with the Hingham Administrators Association regarding a successor contract in executive session on Thursday afternoon.

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