March 18, 2025 Submitted by Yvette Spirito
The Collaborative Parishes of Resurrection and Saint Paul are partnering with End Hunger New England for a special event to provide packaged meals for those in direct need of food support on April 5, 2025 from 10AM-3PM at the Saint Paul School gymnasium.
We are looking for donations and volunteers to help us. For each $100 raised we will be able to provide 285 meals with one hour of packing. You can donate to our event through our collaborative here or make a check payable to Saint Paul Parish at 147 North St, Hingham, MA 02043.
This is a unique volunteering event as it allows families to volunteer together, with school age children being able to participate (younger ones with an adult). Volunteer slots to pack meals are available through a signup genius here. Service hours credit will be given.
The more donations we receive, the more volunteers slots we can accommodate to pack meals, and the more people we can feed. For every $100 in donations, we can schedule another 1-hour shift with 8 volunteers. Food insecurity rates have increased dramatically as a result of inflation and the cost of food and other basic needs continually rising. While rural areas have higher rates of food insecurity, the fact is that every community in the United States have families who face hunger. Indeed, here in Massachusetts as of September 2024, 21.5% of households with children are facing food insecurity (US Census Household Pulse Survey). Moreover, many households that experience food insecurity do not qualify for federal nutrition programs and visit their local food banks for support.
The meals will have a direct impact on the people living around us and beyond. The meals packed on April 5th will go to food pantries in and around the South Shore, Boston and New England area. For more information, please contact Yvette Kanter, yvettekanter@gmail.com or Sylvia Sichol, sylviasichol@gmail.com.