August 10, 2022 Submitted by Hingham Public Schools
The Hingham Public Schools has been awarded two Massachusetts DESE (Department of Elementary & Secondary Education) grants, totaling $34,680, to advance the teaching and learning of the Social Studies Civics curriculum.
The first grant, which is exclusive to Hingham, will allow the purchase of Cornerstones, a set of teaching resources and professional development modules that provide culturally responsive, grade appropriate primary sources that align with the 2018 Massachusetts History and Social Science Framework. Margaret Adams, Superintendent, shared excitement for the new materials at a recent school committee meeting, “Grades 3-5 students will have the opportunity to dig into primary source documents and develop inquiry skills that not only further social studies content but also problem solving and close reading of texts and deep analytical thinking.”
In addition to this grant, Andrew Hoey, Director of Social Studies, applied for a second grant in conjunction with seventeen neighboring South Shore districts. Totaling $30,600, this grant provides Grades 8-12 teachers the opportunity to participate in the Democratic Knowledge Project, (DKP), a highly respected state organization that provides education on civic education for secondary students.
Teachers will participate in professional development activities in “pods” with neighboring district educators that will allow for collaboration and idea sharing. In the grant application memo presented at the recent School Committee Meeting, Mr. Hoey stated, “With the ability to send a few teacher representatives from their schools, districts would later be able to leverage their participating teachers to bring back the knowledge, skills, and resources from DKP to the rest of the teachers in their respective department/schools via department/faculty meetings.”