May 10, 2021, Submitted by The League of Women Voters of Hingham
The League of Women Voters of Hingham held their annual Candidates Night forum on three evenings in April for the 2021 candidates for contested offices in this year’s town election. The first segment features the candidates for the Board of Assessors, the Board of Health, and the Municipal Light Board; the second and third programs are the Town Clerk and the Board of Selectmen forums, respectively.
The footage is available on the League’s website, on the LWVH Facebook page, and on Harbor Media platforms. The three segments air daily through the May 22 election on Harbor Media’s Public cable channel, Comcast 97/Verizon 2131, and can be viewed at Harbor Media’s website. Furthermore the programs are running on the Linden Ponds in-house television network. The LWVH deeply appreciates Harbor Media’s collaboration in bringing these insightful programs to Hingham voters.
The League thanks all of the candidates for their flexibility in participating in the Zoom format again this year, providing Hingham’s voters with an invaluable service, and urges everyone to vote by absentee ballot (available now) or at the polls on May 22.