Things to do with kids @ The Hingham Library - Hingham Anchor

Things to do with kids @ The Hingham Library

Children’s activities include music, story-time and library fun!  

With all the talk of how libraries are outdated in today’s high-speed digital world, you may wonder if it’s worth the trip. The Hingham Library is an awesome local resource for all – including families, offering a range of weekly, free classes and story times for kids of all ages.  In addition to a giant selection of books, HPL’s Children’s area is also full of fun, educational toys and computer stations to keep your littles busy on upcoming cold days.  Here’s a list of some fantastic events for kids that our library offers weekly.

Preschool Story-time is Monday 10:30 AM – 11:15 AM. Children (ages 3 to 5) and their caregivers will listen to engaging books, hear some music, sing songs and make a fun craft while making new friends in a welcoming setting. This energetic drop-in Story-time builds language and literacy skills.

Stories & Snacks is Mondays at 3:45 PM. Stories & Snacks is a drop-in program for school age children (ages 5 – 8) and their families. Older children still love to hear books read aloud. Stories and Snacks is the perfect storytime for that child. Session includes a snack and a craft activity.

Toddler Story-time is Tuesday 10:30 AM – 11:15 AM. Wiggle, rhyme, read, and sing in this active Story-time! Simple stories and music introduce the sounds and rhythms of language and play to your little learner. This drop-in program is perfect for children 14 months to 3 years and their caregivers. Following the program, families are invited to socialize and play with library’s collection of toys.

Big Ryan’s Tall Tales is Tuesday 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM (part of a six-week series). The program welcomes all parents and their children (3 to 5 years) to attend this 6-week series on making stories where language comes alive! 

Books for Babies is Wednesday 10:30 AM – 11:15 AM. Books, Bounces, and rhythmic activity ensure that this engaging Story-time for babies (0 to 14 months) and their caregivers is the perfect environment for building your baby’s foundation for lifelong reading. Babies will be introduced to familiar rhymes and songs as well as the opportunity to mingle with other babies and their caregivers. Following the program, families are invited to socialize and play with library’s collection of toys.

Move & Groove Story-time is 10:30 AM – 11:15 AM Thursdays. Story-time is a drop in program for children of various ages (4 and under) and their caregivers. Listen to fun stories, sing, and move around in this fast-paced Story-time perfect for young children who learn best when their brains and their bodies are active. Following the program, families are invited to socialize and play with library’s collection of toys.

Read To Salty! – A Therapy Dog is Saturday 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM. Salty and Christina are established members of our Read to A Dog teams. Salty is a 14-year-old Chihuahua who is a gentle patient listener and a certified therapy dog. He will be available for 15 minute sessions on his “listening” days. *Please call the Children’s and Young Adult Department to register for your preferred sitting. Suitable for kids age 5 and up.

For more information, updated events schedule and other library happenings for adults, please visit their website at

1 thought on “Things to do with kids @ The Hingham Library”

  1. I have my grandchildren, ages 6,9 and 12 and would like to see what we can do at the library the week of June 10th. Idea’s??


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