February 25, 2021 by Carol Britton Meyer
There's a confirmed two-way race for Selectman Mary Power's seat for the upcoming town election now that both Liz Klein and Michelle Larned have returned their nomination papers.
There's a potential for a four-way race for that position if Jack Manning and Joseph Kelly both return their papers by the March 4 deadline. Power is not running for another term.
This week the selectmen reported that the actual date of the town election has not yet been decided due to COVID-19-related issues.
That's due in part to an anticipated change in the date for Town Meeting, which will likely be held outside in May. (More details to come on both dates.)
The election normally takes place the Saturday after Town Meeting. If an override is proposed and passes at Town Meeting, an affirmative ballot vote would also be required for the override to take place.
There's a potential four-way race for retiring Town Clerk Eileen McCracken's seat if Thomas Patch returns his papers.
There's already a confirmed three-way race for that position among Laura Marwill, Libby Lewiecki, and Carol Falvey. Lewiecki is currently a school committee member.
A citizen who has taken out nomination papers becomes a candidate once he or she has returned their papers to the town clerk's office and the signatures have been certified.
There are three other potential races -- for municipal light board, board of health, and board of assessors.
Joshua Ross and incumbent Carlton M. ("Al") Chambers are both running for Chambers' board of assessors seat. Chambers returned his papers.
Health board incumbent Peter Bickford pulled papers to run for another term, while Johanna Burwell earlier took out papers for that seat. Thomas Harrington also pulled papers for that position this week. Burwell has returned her papers.
There's also a potential light board race between incumbent John Stoddard, Jr. and Laura Burns, who returned her papers.
Dwight Hartman recently pulled nomination papers for the recreation commission seat currently held by Bruce Thompson, who has not taken out papers.
No one has yet picked up papers for the sewer commission seat currently occupied by Robert Higgins.
Nomination papers will be available through March 2 and are due back to the town clerk’s Office on Thursday, March 4, by 5 p.m., so there's still time to consider running for an elected position.
The following incumbents have also taken out papers:
* Michael Puzo for another term as town moderator (papers returned).
* Incumbent Kerry Ni and Tim Miller-Dempsey (papers returned) for school committee. Both Ni's and Lewiecki's terms expire this year.
* Incumbent Gary Tondorf-Dick for planning board (papers returned).
Fifty certified signatures of voters registered in the Town of Hingham are required for a nomination to be valid. Candidates are advised to obtain additional signatures. The Secretary of State’s office recommends 70 signatures.
Check back for updates.